[Request] Gigabyte B450M DS3H V3 programming MX25U12872F IC bios

@Emtei hey there! Could you please explain how you did it? I am really out of idea right now and I don’t know what to do anymore

So long story short my motherboard got bricked due to failed update idk why but the update was successful until it restarted itself and was not able to post anymore. The bios chip is “MX25U12872F” which is not in the db of neoprogrammer the nearest it has is a “73F” I am having trouble flashing it so if anyone could have a step by step guide on how or a direct to the point one I would really appreciate it.

Note: My 1.8V adapter broke so I’m waiting for the new one to arrive.

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Like for example do I need my cpu in motherboard when flashing? psu on standby mode? cmos battery out? I am really confused.

Usually none of the first 2, CMOS battery should be out.
This the rule since the programmer provides voltage itself.

so even with cpu and psu standby while cmos battery is out it would still work?

Hi. I cut the 3.3v track that goes to the chip adapter and with an LM317L and a couple of resistors I injected 1.8v (THOSE 1.8V ARE ONLY FOR THE MX25U12872F, THE CH341 STILL USES ITS NORMAL VOLTAGE).

There are those who use resistors to lower the voltage, but I preferred to play it safe.

would that still be needed even if I use the 1.8v adapter?

No need to modify if you have the adapter… The modification is only because the CH341 does not come with 1.8v from the factory.

What problems are you having?

the problem I have is that NeoProgrammer only has support for MX25U12873F but my motherboard has MX25U12872F. Also could you provide your discord account so that we could communicate properly?

@MeatWar could you please provide a step by step instructions or even direct to the point one? I am really out of options now and I would really appreciate it if you could help me out.

Latest versions know ASProgrammer, Colibri and NeoProgrammer only have the 73F, at least to my knowledge.
As already stated in this forum, there’s successful cases of using edited chiplist (same settings 73F as its also a 1.8v IC) OR desoldering the IC and use the 73F as selected device, that’s what i do for preventing more time lost.
Here how to modify NeoProgrammer list.
I can’t program bios MX25U12872F - Badcaps (No report feedback)

How To Flash NOR-Flash MX25U128 From MXIC - EmbDev.net


so either of those would lead to a success flash right? I don’t want to desolder the chip as I don’t trust myself with it.