[Request] Modded ASUS G10CE BIOS

thank you!!!

How safe is this bios and will it brick my motherboard.it just seems a little sketchy and I would like multiple peoples responses whether this is safe and wont lock up or corrupt my bios.If this helps here is the pc I am wanting to flash the bios to Amazon.com

Pretty safe didnt brick when i did it and i suck at computer stuff, sycompany said some bios settings are active but do not work and may freeze BIOS i just need it to change ram speed this the dude who made it unlocks a hidden menu’s for different computer https://239239.blogspot.com/

What kind of question is this regarding a forum and a MOD BIOS???..there’s NO SUCH THING, SAFE is to STAY PUT, understood? I hate this kind of stupidity… and it’s not human ignorance is “smart” user behavior only.

Don’t you know that even a regular bios operation can go wrong??? Don’t you know that it can correctly be done and due to several aspects of each user environment, one procedure could ruin it one time?

AND DONT NEED TO ANWSER sir…just stay put, over_n_out of here.

I know updating the bios is not risk free but I’m asking is will this bios brick my pc if I do everything right and take the right percautions

Also thanks meatwad I will try the bios update when I get home

Or is this as risky as updating the bios from the company’s website