Hi everyone, I’ve read a ton of threads on this argument, but I haven’t been able to figure the procedure out myself.I was unable to understand most of the things at the bios editor.
So, I hope someone can do the magic for me and, if possible, enable above 4G decoding in the two attached BIOS.If I can enable sam/rebar for my ageing pc and gain some performance it will be very helpful for me.
My English is not good.So I copied a lot of text adove from others.
Since this is still an AMI IV core bios, you can use AMIBCP 4.x tool and set in “Advanced”, the “PCI Subsystem Settings” access to “User” instead of Default.
If the “PCI Subsystem Settings” is already visible in stock bios, then only set to “User” the string “Above 4G Decoding”, do NOT change any Failsafe/Optimal settings with this tool.
This is a MOD as so you may know that nothing is certain and there’s risk in it, perform backups of the current bios and ensure that you now how to recover the mboard.
Good luck.
EDIT: You dont read what is told to you? Dont understand, use a translator… didnt i told you NOT to change any values in Optimal/Default?
It works as instructed, to “User” or “Supervisor”.
And no i will not give more info or alternatives to you… you’re a risky user, sry.
Thx for you response.
It didn’t work. Later I tried optimal enable and Broke my bios.
I will fix it (I han an ch341a) tomorrow. And try again later.
If there are any better bios editor or modifiers please let me know.
I’m using an ASRock Z77 Extreme6 and made a mod. (wudimobile: 华擎 Z77 极限玩家6 主板固件优化版) If you have some basic operating skills, I can provide some general optimization methods and materials for Asrock Z77 motherboards for you to use.
If you’re interested in these and want the full results, I’ll document your needs and customize them as time permits.
I am interested.
But will it help in performance significantly. If I am not wrong, it will improve start up time, but the raw computing and gaming performance will remain same.
First you have to mod the BIOS with UEFIPatches and ReBarDxe if you want resizable BAR though. All the instructions are in README and wiki of ReBarUEFI.
If you have dual BIOS it’s mostly safe as you can just restore if you mess up but your board seems to have a single BIOS chip but socketed so it can be flashed on CH341A, so take a full BIOS backup before doing any modifications.
Thx for your reply.
I had already been able to get above 4G decoding and rebar working at my pc.
Though it took lot a lot of time and patience for it, it didn’t help boost a single fps. The only benefits are some games now load faster.
You have to use Nimez drivers or registry edit to enable resizable BAR on AMD GPUs older than 5000 series. It should show Resizable BAR enabled in AMD software
Can I ask what tools you used to get this mod to work? I’ve tried a few different things trying to get this to work on my same model motherboard and would like to know if you followed any specific guide to figure this out?
Can you please make the same custom mod for the Z77 Extreme 4?
All the changes you made on the Extreme6 BIOS look great. I am especially interested “disable CSM by default”, “Enable 4G decoding”.
I also want “Enable DDR3L”.
All the changes look good to me. The stock z77 Extreme4 BIOS also has a very annoying default setting on the Storage tab where all the hard drives are set to “Hot plug Hard Disk Drive”, but it is better to have them set to “Hot plug disabled, Solid State Drive”. It was causing problems for me with booting, I believe.
Hi friends. Why is no one talking about Z77 Extreme6/TB4 motherboards???
I have a motherboard of this type and I’m trying to find support for it and no one has modified the bios for it yet.
I need help because I want to be able to activate the Decoding option above 4G on my board and I don’t know how… I
I recently managed to modify the bios to be able to boot the system from an NVMe adapter and I did well with all the steps and guides from all the master gentlemen here and it went great, but I think that making this modification is not within the reach of my limited knowledge on the subject.
Please any guide and steps to follow to achieve this goal would be great, because considering that asking for it to be modified and given to me is asking too much to be honest, but in any way that you can help me will be welcome.
Hi there. How can I change “Above 4G Decoding” from “Default” to “User”? I’m already in the exact place within the program and subfolder where this appears, I just don’t know how to change it to user mode. Thanks in advance. Regards