[Request] Thunderobot 911 Air (Excalibur G770) Advanced settings

Hi guys, excuse my bad english.
I want to access all settings of my laptop (Insyde BIOS). Xmp Profiles, Overclocking, Power limits etc. normally inaccessible. The name of the account I used before is Roller, I couldn’t access it. I’m willing to pay to make up for your time.

It unlocks 911 series models except 911 MP and 911 Pro.

But my laptop Intel 10th Gen

Then this file will not work. I can modify a BIOS dump to unlock. Generate it with BACKUP_Tools.

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I am thankful to Sweet_Kitten.
The mod is excellent. I can access all settings without any problem. You know myanlll, he had navigation problems in his mod. How did you solve this?

I didn’t solve it. I don’t know what exact setting entry was causing navigation problems. Maybe the manufacturer fixed it in one of the latest BIOS versions.

I have some questions in my mind. Can this BIOS be reinstalled? Is there a risk if I share it with others using the same device? Cpu Overclock section is turned on in BIOS, but my CPU is 10300H. Can I brick it?

I don’t know. Sorry.

Changing the wrong settings will brick your device. Eg. Primary Display, Boot Mode maybe. Excessive overclocking/undervolting can brick too. Better use Throttlestop after enabling the OC Feature.

Please help me I also need advanced setting bios mod. Since I am in Russia, I can’t find anywhere on the Internet where to download it. I have Thunderobot Air xs d intel 12th + 3050ti

Hello @LeoLeb228. I’m from russia too and cant find how to make Intel 12th gen mod real. They left no known vulnerabilities to flash from OS enviroment.

I would be very grateful if you tried, ahahhaa

So. What do you think, what if I try to install a mod for the 11th generation?

100% it wont install. Not worth a try.

Nothing will happen.

I found such a link for the 12th generation https://www.18969437777.com/download/showdownload.php?id=283 only there is a problem, the developers did not leave the password for the archive, hahaha

Even if we had the password, useless.