[Offer] Win7/8.1 Drivers for USB 3.x Controllers of modern AMD Chipsets

So got the CPU (not the SSD just yet) but I tried to boot 2008r2 and when it said starting windows, before it went into the setup it hung. First I am running a memtest86 to make sure the ram is stable since its used, but then I may try a modded ACPI driver, and I can let you know what happens. I did turn on CSM also already and it still happens

keep on trying. Not sure if it will help. But here it is: CORRECT BIOS SETTINGS TO INSTALL WINDOWS 7 ON X570 PLATFORM â–ș █▓▒░ Unlisted Retrograde Holdout

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I got the setup to boot !! The only issue is that for some reason, my blue USB ports won’t work but my red ones do

Nice , as for me i am interested in full working system, w/o quirks.

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Don’t worry I will figure it out

I have not gotten my NVMe drive yet, but I did a test install on an old sata ssd and finally got the blue USB ports working (possibly from downgrading the BIOS) and this is what I have:

It appears to be working great so far! I put away the parts until my new nvme arrives, and then I will put the machine together, reinstall 2008r2, and then get aero working :grin:

BTW, this was with stock ACPI. I left CSM on, but I actually had to flash the USB drive in GPT instead of MBR for it to boot. Otherwise, it would hang. I had the same problem with 8 and 8.1 in legacy mode, it might be a bug with Gigabyte’s CSM


If it work out with nvme and will not give bsods and substantial issues we could count that 7 is capable of driving 192 threads then. Quite nice achievement in 2024.

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And, yeah please specify “bad” and good bios versions.

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Once again, I have the Gigabyte TRX50 Aero D rev 1.1, I originally tried the FBc BIOS (dated Jan 18, 2024) and the blue USB ports on the board had problems, then I “downgraded” to the FA BIOS (dated Nov 23, 2023), left the USB settings as the default, enabled CSM, disabled secure boot and TPM and all that garbage, and all I had to do to get it to boot was in Rufus flash the USB drive as GPT instead of MBR, otherwise it hung. I never did get an ACPI BSOD, which kind of made me figure there was a way to get it working without needing a modded ACPI. I just used one of my 2008r2 ISOs that I already had updated with the simplix update pack, and it ultimately just worked. When I get my NVMe it should just work too, as it is a generic NVMe driver, be we will see in a few days.

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Also when my build is fully completed, I will most likely upload a video about it to my youtube page!

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Thanks for sharing such a valuable information! I suppose everybody appreciate it!

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no problem! I could also run some benchmarks and see how it performs

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Nice one. It is quite unbelievable that will can use 7995wx in distant future when the prices calm down.

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I tried my 7995WX on WRX90E-Sage, and haven’t been able to get it to work. At all defaults I get STOP 0x0000005C, which I can fix by setting APIC mode to anything other than Auto. But I get PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA or 0x0000007E depending on what I try. Funnily enough Windows XP was no problem, was able to do the installation from start to finish on the platform.

How is it possible? Windows XP x86 do not support more than 32threads, Windows XP x64 supports maximum 64 threads CPUs.

And Canonkong drivers not mention support of wrx90 chipset.

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Yeah just 64 threads only, could still boot with all 192 enabled, but anyway I mean TRX50 isn’t mentioned either and it worked for the other user, so I think just ASUS still has issues on Zen 4 since that is an older bios. I tried both SATA and NVME.

I think there was a registry tweak to allow up to 65536 threads on 2000, wouldn’t this also work on xp?

I don’t see any practical reason to do this, because win7 supports 256 threads in stock configuration and this is more than enough. Maybe will have an ability to run later 256 thread rippers at some point. That would be cool thing for sure.

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checking in
anyone able to point me to the right direction for those pre-built isos?

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