Surface pro 5 keeps restarting logo error

Hello I’m new. I encountered (surface pro 5 m1007506-015) booting up to logo then shutting down and then booting up to logo then shutting down continuously like that. I tried another bios version on the forum and it booted up to the freeze logo and nothing happened. I don’t know if it’s a hardware error or a bios error. Please help me see the original bios. thanks so much .

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I opened it now you can see it. sorry I’m not very fluent

If you want help, you should give more information:

  1. How long do you have the Surface Pro5?
  2. Did the device start and work properly before?
  3. What was the last action done with the device (BIOS flashing, OS installion or what else)?

I bought it and I don’t know anything about its past

In this case bring it back to the vendor and don’t try to do anything with the device yourself.

Didn’t you write somewhere that you already had tried the firmware from

If not you may want to try it. But if this firmware dosen’t solve the problem it’s not firmware related.

Your bios dump doesn’t have any obvious errors, the static parts are identical to a stock bios region, there might be corruption in NVRAM or ME region, but that would be solved by the firmware from the linked post.

I tried it. loaded with ch431 . Unlike the original version that reboots continuously, this version boots and hangs on the logo.

bios goc pro (6.4 MB)

If you want you may try this file, the file earlier mentioned by me still had the complete NVRAM of the other Surface. So this is your dump with re- configured ME region and NVRAM emptied as much as I think is possible.

(But I still think this is hardware in your case)

Can you please look at the attached bios file from a Surface Laptop 4 (AMD)? The device wont boot, wont enter UEFI - just shows windows logo for few seconds and then turns off.