[Surface Pro 6] How to Remove/Bypass the UEFI Password?

Can you run Read Universal in EFI shell?

I dont think so, as i cant boot from any USB device. They are all disabled meh :frowning:

Can you disconnect main drive and connect it to other system?

I would have to dismantle the surface pro. Not sure if that would be ideal, as I would probably not be able to put it back together :frowning:

You have two ways:
1. Replace bootx64.efi in EFI partition (mount it by diskpart).
2. Replace the firmware in BIOS chip by a hardware programmer.

Ok and im guessing to do #1 - I would have to dismantle and remove the hdd? Thank you!

Show screenshot of results in diskpart:
list volume


Sorry for the delay, can you see the attached photo?

Now do commands:
sel vol 1
assign letter=x

Make a screenshot.

Tried but its not allowing me into the drive partition. Also tried cmd (takeown /F X: /a /r /d y) comes back with user does not have administrative privilages… mehh :frowning:

Just do it what I wrote.

when i get to;

Access is denied

Now do commands:
sel vol 1 (ok)
assign letter=x (ok)
exit (ok)
x: Access is Denied

Do in all command line with administrative rights!

duhh!! sorry!


Good. Now do in command line with administrative rights:
bcdedit /enum firmware



Good! Your system can boot from USB with first priority.
1. Take small USB-stick and format it to FAT32
2. Make a folder with name EFI, then inside it make a folder with name Boot
3. Download Read Universal and unpack it.
4. Rename RU.efi to and bootx64.efi copy inside Boot folder.
5. Try to boot from prepared USB-stick.

It skips the USB and goes straight to windows :frowning:
Ive checked the USB by booting on another PC and it works as it should. appreciate all your help!

Your device supports EFI-booting only. And it doesn’t skip boot from proper USB.
P.S. I think you haven’t this device and you’re just man-in-the-middle real owner and me.

Does the USB need to have a specific name? or a specific RU version?