Trouble Writting InsydeH2O and Question about potential gotchas

I have an Omen 17t-w200 Laptop with Win10Pro and recently had the circuitry for display to the monitor appear to over heat while (my fault), but HDMI was unaffected. I procured a replacement motherboard (along with the rest of the system, refurb, on the cheap). Part number on the boards and other markings are the same. I have dumped both with FPT -bios they to be large identical on the surface. The downloads updates appear to be the same. If were guessing it looked like mostly NVRAM. The differences from UEFI tool reports appear to occur in the “VSStore”. My goal is to, as best I can, maintain the identity of the system and then swap the peripherals. My initial questions, were along this lines of what could go wrong with just swapping the bios dump between the boards and whether there was something obvious that it am missing? I’m not sure if this is old enough to pre-date this Sure Boot stuff that I’ve read about on HP laptops (the laptop is about 6-7 years old). I decided play around and made a bit of progress, but appear to have a wall:

While doing a ‘FPTW -f bios.bin’ after a ‘FPTW -d bios.bin’

Error 368: Failed to disable write protection for the BIOS space.
FPT Operation Failed.

I dumped a few body images, and hit the correct one with DriverSampleDXE_SetupUtility when trying to Parse it with IRFExtractor.

So using “setup_vars_cv” to set “BIOS Lock”@PchSetup to 0x00 and “Me FW Image Re-Flash”@MeSetup to 0x01 Got me to the point of complaining about Range Protection Registers. The later flag seems to reset to 0x00. There seemed to be a handily named “Flash Protection Range Registers (FPRR)”@PchSetup but setting it to 0 did not seem to alleviate the error.

Error 316: Protected Range Registers are currently set by BIOS, preventing flash access.
Please contact the target system BIOS vendor for an option to disable Protected Range Registers.
FTP Operation Failed

The FPRR option still appears to be set to zero. I suppose it doesn’t surprise me that those registers are still getting set, but I’m not quite sure what to try next. I’m probably still missing something. I had not looked at the desc dump, but do have one. I had been booting the version of windows on the refurb san networking to try FPTW, I could try a linux USB with flashrom, or perhaps the attempt has to be made from grub? Any thoughts? I am attaching a few things.


Section_PE32_image_DriverSampleDxe_SetupUtility_body (192.2 KB) (4.6 MB)

Check this topic.

The error is not resolvable by variables change.

Thanks! I’ll have to see what I can find to confirm. Looks like a chip writer might be in my future.