Unlock Advanced Settings in HP Compaq Presario CQ62 BIOS

The issue with flashing a modified version in Windows still has no certain solution. If you think the BIOS is that insecure, can be updated easily, there’s an archive! At your own risk: ‘sp52604.zip - Google Drive
Run “FLASH.vbe”.
I recommend to prepare a recovery USB drive in advance.

What has been changed? Also, may I ask why you think that it might not work and/or brick?

I replaced Security with Power, and Diagnostics tab replaced with Advanced. There is no option to keep them.
UEFI Boot setting made shown. PCIE whitelist was disabled.

On bios-mods they did upload a mod for 142x boards only. I suppose there’s a purpose for that.

Thank you. I might try it when I come at his house again, which might be soon but not sure. And what files would I need for the recover drive? And, do you also have this laptop yourself? You said that you saw the caps lock blinking and so thought it was a EFI-based BIOS. If so, haven’t you tested this on your laptop or is yours a 142x version?

I suppose that the Advanced menu also includes the boot configuration option? That’s nice. Would you also be a person to add something to an Insyde BIOS, or not? As I have like I said before a Lenovo laptop myself which I successfully modded with a programmer and unlocked the advanced settings. It has Secure Boot, however, but not an option to import external custom keys for it. Having that might make it easier for me to make some EFI bootloaders and binaries to be ran by the system, with secure boot enabled.

HP Insyde BIOS recovery steps. | My Digital Life Forums

On no, do you think I really have every laptop in the world? I know of blinking from forum members response. But with a different laptop models.

It is possible do add your driver to DXE volume of BIOS, which will result into EFI file being loaded afterward.

Okay, but I also saw someone still having a few of those tabs. Although, the diagnostics tab and power tabs are also not there. I see this is a different board though. Would the UEFI boot mode from this BIOS now just work, without requiring any new DXE drivers?
Also, I cannot find anything called ‘HP Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) Support Environment"’ for this laptop online. Atleast, I don’t see it and they keep the (U)EFI environment secret, so there is probably no such thing. Also, would you know how I can set the baseboard name in my Lenovo laptop with an InsydeH2O BIOS, using H2OSDE? When I use it from the EFI Shell, it gives the error ‘Function not supported’ when trying to write. Reading has no problems.

Also trying to port something interesting to my Android device. It is called the Renegade Project, and it adds UEFI firmware to unlocked Android devices which would allow booting Windows and Linux.

This is a photo of an already modified BIOS.

I bet it will not.

Download it for any other with the same year of manufacture.

I don’t know how.

Ok. :neutral_face:
Theres one for my Xiaomi device, but it’s useless without having emmc storage support.

Man, is there really not a way I can change the baseboard name easily? I already unlocked the BIOS, and disabling the bios lock and protection range registers DO stay disabled after it saved. I were a bit dumb, as I just did go forth and flash the BIOS without making a dump of the corrupted BIOS, but I still got to get all values from a photo and a system information dump which I had. I managed to correct the UUID, serial number, MTM and OA3 Key ID, but now my motherboard still shows as INVALID in both Windows and Linux (YES, I quadrillion-boot a few operating systems, Windows 11, Windows 8.1 To Go, Ubuntu and ChromeOS from an external HDD :rofl:).

These registers and locks are intended to allow flashing. Why did you turn them off if you didn’t use Intel FPT later?
Enter the rest of the data to a BIOS binary.

Disabling them allows flashing from external tools, right? Soon I might try to make another dump with FPT. I will provide it and let’s see then. Will switch from Ubuntu to Windows in a moment.

EYOOOO, I managed to make a dump with FPT, it detected the BIOS chip and it made an 8MB BIOS dump, which is also the size of my BIOS chip. This might mean that I am also able to mod my BIOS from within the OS! And correct the values of course. I will attach the dump. I also made a dump before, but with a programmer instead. Now I can do it from inside the OS without opening the laptop!

bios.zip (4.8 MB)

@Sweet_Kitten, could you maybe look into the BIOS and try to find out how I can change the baseboard name or something? I want to change it as it now says INVALID, which is just weird and might cause issues.

Wrong thread.

Oops yeah. Let’s move this back to the other thread.

Problem is, Win-Raid does not let me make more than 3 replies in a row, so I cannot post the last reply there now, XD.