Unlocking an ASUS board (Write protection on PRIME B450M-A II)

Hey everyone, I was doing some research on how to disable write protection on my board, I’ve used multiple tools such as afuwin which is quite limited, e.g it is limited to the file size. Fptw and afudos, many other tools are the same. I am attempting to write to my smbios strings as I would like to assign serials for my hardware, can anyone assist me in disabling write protection / unlocking this motherboard? I’m on windows 10 with a 2nd gen ryzen CPU.

Okay, you have flashback on ur mobo. Can you flashback this .cap file into your bios? I turned off write protection. you can use flashrom dos version now.

also make sure to take a backup, I’m not a bios modding expert

Wow, can I ask how you did this? I also want to learn, like where did you see to find write protection and remove the code from it?

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In bios with AGESA 1.2 and above, a module called “AmdSpiRomProtect” prevents the use of flashrom. All I did was remove this module. If you have any other request and my skills are up to it, i can mod your bios for you :slight_smile:

I tried to look for it in UEFI tool with a cap file from the site but I couldn’t find it, it didn’t pop up, also, when removing, how will you bypass the file size checking as removing the module may change file size, is that possible to bypass?


  • F2A29BBB-12D0-402B-90EC-4064A0C3DE5A / SMM module / AmdSpiRomProtect
  • C178E415-6E49-469A-B73D-F6C5EB4101EB / DXE driver / AmdSpiRomProtectDxe
  • 9D5FD24C-53DF-44AC-A336-B4879CDB29D9 / PEI module / AmdSpiRomProtectPei
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Hi thanks, out of all these I only found the middle one, is this normal? And after finding, shall I just remove the entry or how should I modify it?
Btw, after testing your cap that was modified, and using amidewin to edit my serial number. The serial number changed upon restart, what shall I delete/modify in the cap to prevent this from happening? I want this string e.g if I change at the end the 6 to a 7, it shall stay even when I reboot, what causes this to stick and how can I remove it

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Sometimes the new engine of UefiTool finds some modules while UefiTool 28 does not, these tools are not 100% accurate. Just remove it. If you create a bios dump with flashrom I can write the serial number and other values to your bios for you. If you want to do it yourself, take a look at the tool called “FD44EDITOR” :slight_smile: