@Fernando Here is the UBU scan screenshot of the new released ASUS official Sabertooth x99 BIOS v3505.
You can observe the occurence of 2 different OROM IRST RAID for SATA modules versions and one EFI IRST RAID for SATA version. Currently here is the DriveControllerInfo I have:
On what OROM IRST RAID for SATA version do we have to refer to choose the ‘best’ Intel AHCI/RAID driver ? I have no ambiguity for the sSATA AHCI mode driver for Controller_2. A contrario for the two different RAID 0 volumes controlled by Controller_1 chipset I am perplex:
May be I have to get another W10 Intel RAID driver version to handle this main Controller_1 which is the alone on this platform offering RAID mode capability ?
It depends on the Intel BIOS RAID ROM module, which is loaded while booting (you can check it via CTRL+I). As long as you are booting in UEFI mode, the Intel RAID ROM version doesn’t matter, because none of the Intel RAID ROM modules will be used.
Why are you perplex? Your mainboard has 2 different Intel SATA Controllers, but only one of them has been set to “RAID” mode.
@Fernando , I agree the Intel RAID ROM version does not matter when booting in UEFI mode. Booting in UEFI mode BIOS menu "Advanced\Intel RST does display "Intel RST RAID driver". I assume it is the EFI IRST RAID bios module. Questions: Does, when booting in UEFI mode the EFI IRST RAID for SATA BIOS module is used even if booting from i750 NVMe device ? Does, after booting EFI IRST RAID for SATA BIOS module is also used in correlation with the W10 iRST RAID driver to handle the RAID volumes ?
@Fernando , Thanks for this useful information. So, in my case, does the official ASUS offered EFI RAID BIOS module v14.8.0.2377 should be matched with W10 Intel v14.8.12.1059 iRST driver ? However, you do recommend somewhere on the forum the EFI RAID BIOS module v14.8.0.2397 be coupled with v14.8.12.1059 driver and you say also ‘Recommended for Series 100/200 chipset’.
So, i am a little confuse for the best couple of EFI RAID BIOS module/RAID driver for my “non Series 100/200” X99 machine.
The latest and probably best Intel EFI “RaidDriver” from the Intel RST v14.8 series is v14.8.2.2397. So if you want the best results while using the Intel RST(e) RAID drivers of the v14.8 series, I recommend to update the Intel EFI “RaidDriver” to v14.8.2.2397 and to install the Intel RST(e) driver v14.8.12.1059 WHQL.
@Fernando Before to update W10 OS on My PC Sabertooth X99 I used the Intel EFI "RaidDriver" to v14.8.2.2397 and the Intel RST(e) driver v14.8.12.1059 WHQL. Today I have updated to W10 Famille 1703 15063.13. I am very surprise that automatically Windows modded my Intel RAID driver version to v15.2.5.1035:
So, I am again confuse now as V15.2.5.1035 is not recommended for X99 chipset. Do you think useful to downgrade the Intel RAID driver offered natively by W10 1703 (RS2) version ?
I haven’t yet recommended to install any Intel RST(e) driver of the v15 platform for users with an X99 chipset system, but the related drivers do support it.
No, the Win10 v1703 in-the-box Intel RAID driver is still v13.2.0.1022, but if you are satisfied with the v15.2.5.1035 RAID driver, I recommend to update to the latest of the v15.2 series, which is currently v15.2.10.1044 WHQL.
I can confirm that my Intel driver was updated with the latest upgrade. They seem to promptly replace whatever drivers they want to, but can’t seem to fix the EVENT ID 219 driver\Driver\WudfRd (something like that). I honestly believe I spend more time fixing Windows 10 errors, to keep my system running properly, then I do enjoying the operating system as a whole. ISO Clean Installs, nothing works.
On a different note I’ve had great experience with the ACHI v15.2.10.1044. … on the 100 series intel chipset.
You can find it out by looking into the table at the bottom of the start post. The Surface Pro 3 has an Intel 8-Series chipset. With my own Surface 3 Pro I am currently using the generic Win10 v1703 in-box MS AHCI driver (performance is not so important for Mobile systems than for Desktop ones).
In this case I recommend to update to v14.8.12.1059, which is currently the latest of the v14 platform.
@Fernando , In reply to your post #544, to migrate W10 from RS1 to RS2 I have used the “Window10Upgrade9252” application offered by MS. This is not a classical ‘update’, and really I don’t understand why arbitrary this operation have upgraded the Intel RAID driver of my X99 platform from the current v14.8.12.1059 to a v15.x branch !! I don’t understand why you said that for RS2 the native Intel RAID driver is a v13.x branch ?
The Win10 in-box Intel RAID driver for all Intel SATA RAID Controllers, which have the external DeviceIDs DEV_2822 or DEV_2826, is the Intel RST(e) driver v13.2.0.1022 and this is valid for all Win10 versions and Builds from 10.0.10240 up to 10.0.15063.
@Fernando Complete amateur here, I have already installed IRST ( actually I found this by googling how to fix iAStorA.sys blue screen and came across your post) and I want to get your recommended driver. Now, can you please guide me on how to install the downloaded driver; I have downloaded ( Intel RST(e) drivers v13.2.8.1002 WHQL) and there are only some system files and no executables. Do I only need to replace the existing files on system32\drivers ?
@VladB : Welcome at Win-RAID Forum! This is the way how to manually update the “pure” AHCI resp. RAID driver of the on-board Intel SATA Controller:
Unzip the driverpack.
Run the Device Manager and expand the section, where your on-board Intel SATA Controller is listed (AHCI: “IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers”, RAID: “Storage Controllers”).
Right-click onto the listed Intel SATA Controller (may have another name) and choose the options “Update Driver Software” > “Browse my computer”.
Use the “Search” button and navigate to the folder, which contains the unzipped driverpack you want to get installed.
The rest will be done automaticly. After the reboot your on-board Intel SATA Controller will use the updated AHCI resp. RAID driver.
If you should get the message, that “the best driver has already been installed”, you have to force the driver installation by using the option “Let me pick…”, hitting the “Have Disk” button and navigating to the folder, which contains the desired driver. Choose the file named “iaAHCIC.inf”, if you are running the Controller in AHCI mode resp. “iaStorAC.inf”, if you have set the Controller to “RAID” mode.
@Fernando : I did all what you mentioned above, but I unninstalled Intel RST and could still see it under “Device Manager”. Now the problem is, I can’t install it again as it is giving me this error. Glad if you could help me again.
EDIT by Fernando: Unneeded fully quoted post replaced by directly addressing (to save space)
Where do you see “Intel RST” within the Device Manager? Can you post a screenshot? Questions: 1. Are you running your Intel SATA Controller in AHCI or RAID mode? 2. Which chipset has your system? 3. Which storage driver has your Intel SATA Controller used before you tried to update the Intel AHCI/RAID driver? 4. Do you see an entry “Intel Rapid Storage Technology” within the “Add/remove Software” section of the Control Panel?
Hi , i guess nobody is seeing the other thread so I will ask here about the Best Driver for my Asus X99A-II MB with EFI RAID BIOS module v14.8.0.2397 and Win10.
Unfortunately nothing has changed for me in regards to the WD 640GB Hard Drives in Raid being seen as SSD’s but I recently discovered that the Drivers crash in Win10 on Long, multi GB File transfers , causing the Computer to Crash.
Most recently a 106GB transfer caused the crash so I am using the Best Drivers as suggest for the X99 platform, which are RST(e) Driver This Driver when installed however, also changes the Driver for the Secondary controller to a C200+/C600, which causes the RST Software to lock up and you can’t open it off the taskbar or elsewhere. Changing the Secondary Controller back to a Standard AHCI Controller and rebooting, fixed both these issues and the 106GB transferred fine.
However it appears I am wrong about , transferring 103 GB from Disk to Disk went ok …just lucky? Tonight I was transferring about 100GB from my old computer (X58A) to the new one (X99) , it lasted about 3-4 mins and the X99 computer crashed again , so now I am getting worried I will damaged the Raid Array.
Perhaps I will try transferring smaller amount in one operation and see if it helps…if anyone has any other ideas please let me know , Thanks.