[Win7] Graphics Driver Problems with iGPU+eGPU Systems

CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800H 3.20 GHz
Storage: 1 TB Samsung PM981 NVMe SSD
Graphics card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti + AMD Radeon Graphics (Cezanne APU)

As the title says, I have a HP Gaming Pavilion 15-ec2000nq laptop and I managed to successfully install Windows 7 by using a modded acpi.sys, flashboot’s modified bootmgfw.efi for GOP, and NVMe hotfixes.

What i need help with, is display drivers. I installed the RTX 3050 Ti driver using NVCleanInstall (which lets you add support for other hardware IDs) and also installed the AMD Radeon Graphics APU driver (thanks to this source: [Solution] Win 7/Win8.1 x64 Ryzen APU Video driver )

The issue with them is that even if in device manager they appear installed and “working”, they don’t actually work and I don’t understand why. Graphics acceleration is absent and the cards aren’t even shown by dxdiag.

EDIT: yeah, it appears as “NVIDIA Graphics Device” because I didn’t bother changing the name of it.

Edit by Fernando: Thread title shortened and customized

I might have the same issue aswell

Welcome to the Win-Raid Forum!

It may have been a mistake.
This is what I recommend to do:

  1. Set a “Restore Point” from within the Control Panel (to be able to restore the present configuration).
  2. Open the Device Manager and replace both listed Display Adapters - one after the other - by the device named “Microsoft Basic Display Adapter” (by doing a right-click onto them and choosing the options “Update driver” > “Browse my Computer…” > “Let me pick…”. The “Microsoft Basic Display Adapter” will be shown as being compatible.
  3. After the reboot the Graphics should work (not at its best) with the MS standard graphics driver.
  4. Now you can replace the MS driver by the desired Graphics driver from within the Device Manager (maybe you will have to force the installation by using the “Have Disk” option).

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thanks for posting your solution. Although I tried that and it doesn’t work.

There is something I need to clarify though. Windows 7 does not have Microsoft Basic Display Adapter. It has the Standard VGA Graphics Adapter. This adapter appears not working, and I’m thinking if it’s because of the lack or the int10h handler. Although I do get display, thanks to the modified bootmgfw.efi that forces Windows 7 to use GOP.

Here’s what I think. Maybe the drivers that I installed also need that handler that Windows 7 relies on. I have tried UefiSeven, but it cannot unlock the C0000 ROM address.
I am thinking of 2 possible solutions. Either a modified UefiSeven that uses A0000 instead of C0000 as VGA ROM address, or a backported Microsoft Basic Display Adapter from a beta build of Windows 8.

I don’t know for sure if any of these solutions will work, but at least I can try.
As for the UefiSeven, I need someone to modify the VGA ROM address and compile UefiSeven. I have tried myself to do so, but I keep getting compilation errors that I don’t understand.

It is just another (Win7 specific) name given by Microsoft for the Display Adapter, whose generic MS in-box driver supports all external graphic cards and iGPUs (provided, that the mainboard BIOS has detected them). This “Standard VGA Graphics Adapter” is used during the Win7 installation until a better (more specific) graphics driver is availabe (via manual installation or Windows Update).

I have an issue for a long time on my Acer Spin 5 SP515 laptop, with NVIDIA GeForce 1050 dedicated video card along with integrated Intel UHD 620 video card on Windows 7. I thought this comes from the Intel video driver, but I tested a lot and found out that when I disable the dedicated NVIDIA card problem goes away. I simply get black screen at various moments, I think when the dedicated video card needs to be used for extra acceleration.

I tried all the drivers I could find for the NVIDIA card, along with various driver (modified/patched) for the Intel video card. Does anyone have any ideas what could be the problem?

@aqua95 @ChromifyX @bloodhand
Since all your reported graphics driver problems seem to be caused by the combination of 2 active graphics adapters (1 iGPU as part of the processor and 1 external graphics card) and hopefully may be solved by a very similar procedure, I have merged your posts and gave the thread a short, but meaningful title.
If it should turn out, that each reported problem needs its own specific solution, please let me know it. Then I will split the thread again according to your demand.
Good luck!

The problem is that for me, neither nvidia or amd works, no matter which driver i disable.

Again, maybe it’s because of the lack of the vga int10h handler. Idk for sure. I need a uefiseven efi with the VGA_ROM_ADDEESS thing changed to A0000 in order for me to test that theory.

Have you solved this in the meantime?

I found out that when the NVIDIA card is enabled besides that I get the occasional BSODs, I also seem to lose the video acceleration for a bit from time to time, because the fps in games drops dramatically and at the same time the dedicated GPU fan goes off. It comes back after 1 minute or so and this happens every xx minutes.

I also tried almost every NVIDIA driver version for my 1050 card from the oldest to the newest and I couldn’t get this to work correctly. So I guess it may not be in the driver itself, but simply in the swithing interface from integrated to dedicated which doesn’t correctly work in Windows 7.