Windows 7 doesn't show devices that Windows 8.1 and 10 do on my Kaby Lake laptop

Been researching and Clover does allow to boot Windows.
Now I would just need some info on how to:
A) Extract DSDT from the BIOS
B) Convert from binary to text (and do the same in reverse)
I will admit that this whole ordeal kind of goes a bit over my head, but I’m willing to try (maybe unlocking the HP Wireless driver will unlock the Bluetooth function, who knows).

@the_soft45 :
There’s nothing to unlock. The Radio Button is for the Airplane Mode button, not the WLAN card itself… HP is an OEM, OEM’s can only supply drivers for the OS pre-installed on the OEM laptop (M$ agreement)…

That doesn’t stop you going to the vendor though, which in this case is Realtek. If you open up the lappie you’ll see a RT mini-PCI-e WLAN card installed…:slight_smile:

W7 drivers here:…8723be-software…8188ee-software

Haven’t you read the thread at all? @Mov_AX_0xDEAD discovered that HP intentionally blocked the device for the HP Wireless Button on Windows 7 and earlier. It has nothing to do with driver availability or lack of Airplane Mode support from Windows 7.
Also, don’t you think I know how to get drivers beyond the OEM offerings? If you noticed on the posts I made, I managed to get the Intel HD 620 (a Kaby Lake iGPU) working on W7 just fine.
I know that the Wireless Button is not for the WLAN card.
Please, try and be a bit more understanding of what we’re discussing here.

@the_soft45 :
Actually, tbh no, I don’t. If you did you would know why HP don’t have W7 drivers for your laptop. HP are an OEM only, OEM’s CANNOT supply drivers for W7 because Microsft will not allow it. There are no OEM drivers for W7 for any machines newer than Skylake. HP aren’t blocking you. Microsoft are.

OEMs also sale notebooks with freedos/linux. m$ block oem to developing drivers for any OS too ?
ormaybe m$ block oem to creating universal compatible driver for all windows family ?

An update on the situation:
- Managed to get the HP Wireless button showing on Windows 7. Decompiling and compiling again the DSDT was hell!
- Bluetooth still doesn’t show up on Windows 7, which I found extremely odd. I dug around, and my laptop uses a Realtek RTL8723BE which includes both WiFi and Bluetooth integrated on the same chip, being that the Bluetooth portion interacts through USB. Found this user manual that confirmed my findinds:…ual-1959982.pdf
Is it ultimately a Windows 7 limitation for the Bluetooth device to not appear? Honestly, I’m stumped :confused:

- HP Wireless Button Driver loaded in win7 ?
- HPRadioMgr86.exe is show anything on screen ?

the full DSDT table (in hex) in XP SP3 can be found in registry under
where the 00000000 stands for an exact copy in hex from DSDT from Bios.

So, there is also a chance to fake this DSDT table in registry to overcome BSOD 0xA
"The bios in this system is not fully ACPI compliant".

Interesting in this case is, if this copy of the DSDT table is always written new on every boot via Bios
or only once during install of XP SP3. When you disable ACPI via F5 during install, this DSDT table was not build from XP in registry there,


The topic is specifically about Windows. Freedos or Linux have nothing to do with this.

That is correct.
M$ control which drivers can be provided for any version of Windows OS’s because starting with W10 all kernel drivers have to be submitted & signed before distribution.