Asus Z87-k

Hello Guys, i have motherboard asus Z87-k.My computer is shutting down on exactly 30 mins after start.I was trying all possible bioses and nothing help.Im sure that i dont have any other hardware problem.Is there any BIOS trigger that can cause this is happen?Contacting with asus support give no results, i cant RMA my mobo cause warranty expired.Please if someone has idea what can i do Ill appreciate it.

It’s Intel Anti-Theft watchdog timer kicking in. You can resolve the issue by reflashing the ME region using SPI programmer or HDO_SDA pinmod. If you can read Russian, please read my ASUS UEFI FAQ here to know more.

WoW thanks for your fast reply.Ill try using google translate.If this solve my problem youll be my hero for real!!!

I bought the MOBO from USA now Im in europe so this is the key, that youre talking about.

Well i found that ME version in my bios stay at N/A.I try some threads with FTK but noone help:
Error 8743: Unknown or Unsupported Platform
Cannot locate hardware platform identification
This program cannot be run on the current platform.

CodeRush my last option is to buy SPI programmer or new programed BIOS chip, right?

No, you need a right version of Intel FPT - 9.1 (FTK9 package), and a pinmod to unlock ME write protection. But if you buy a cheap programmer (search for CH341A on Ebay), it will be even easier.

@ Anton:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and good luck!

@ CodeRush:
Thanks for your quick help!

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Ohh i think Im lost cant find how to unlock flash descriptor.Can someone give me hint to do that?CodeRush talk abou pinmod but how must i do it?I`ve search about ME pinmod unlock flash descriptor with no success.

Here is a guide for it, in English this time.
Basically, you need to short HDA_SDO and 3.3V pins using somehing conductive on powered-off PC, power it on and then remove the shorting. This will assert Descriptor Security Override Mode and enable you to reflash ME region. If it’s too complex or scary for you - buy a programmer and forget about it.

Thank you again CoreRush.Last question.According to that thread i must short pins like this, right?


Okay discriptor got unlocked and i flash bios with merefl.

but i got

PDR and GBE regions not exist.Is that normal?And am i doing right?

Sorry if I sound like a noob but I first time messed with that SH*T called IME

Yes these are normal as you don’t have an Intel GbE at your system and PDR is not used anymore.

Did reflashing the ME region stop the problem?


Well I`m waiting to 30 mins now.If my system shut down the answer will be NO.

You have restarted once, right? A fpt -greset might be needed as well to reset the ME properly. I think FTK has such a command but even if it doesn’t, you can do it manually with Flash Programming Tool.

DAMN IM SOOOOOO HAPPY.After manually shut down Ive try my integrated video and it works!!After entering BIOS Ive see ME version.Seems now Im ready.

GUYS you`re the best did you know that?

im having this issue like you where the me region is locked on the asus z77 ws


What do you use to short the audio?

@toothless_snake :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!
I hope, that you will get an answer.
Dieter (alias Fernando)

P.S.: I have removed your double post and merged the other 2 posts (to decrease the volume of the thread and to improve its readability) .

I tried using something like paper clip but that doesn’t seem to do anything at all. Wonder what else I should use to make this easy.

What were the exact steps you did to do the pin mod? Its no where on the net and i really need to fix my board to how it used to be. The directions you guys gave are not specific enough on the steps. What should i use to short the 2 pins and are they different pins with ALC 898?