Asus H170 Pro BIOS recovery

Hey there,
I have a situation. I’ve bricked my H170 Pro mobo trying to update the BIOS. I’ve tried all the possible recovery solutions and I guess that there is nothing left except these two options:
1.To buy a BIOS chip from ebay (Latest Bios version included).
2.To buy a programmer that support Winbond 25Q128FVIQ.

At this point I have some concerns and It will be great if I’ll get your advice.
-Reading this [Guide] Using CH341A-based programmer to flash SPI EEPROM It looks like buying a new BIOS it could be tricky due to the ID mismatch and other problems related to this. Can someone please confirm (or not) this will apply on H170 Pro motherboards too having Winbond 25Q128FVIQ bios chip?

-Have anyone used any of these CH341A-based programmers flashing the above mentioned chip series writing .CAP bios files?
I can’t find anymore on ebay for example Gzut DreamPro II which appears to be fine according to these technical specs. Is this programmer, still available on the market?


Your mobo has a socketed 8-pin SPI chip so you can use a cheap CH341A programmer. It should support your chip, but I haven’t tested it personally.

You need to remove the AMI Capsule header of the .CAP files using UEFITool first and then flash the Intel Image to the chip with the programmer. Don’t flash the .cap file itself or you will end up with a bricked board once again.

@plutomaniac Thank you for you feed-back, I’ve watched thi tutorial made by @Margus here:

I guess that removing the AMI Capsule header is that sequence with copy / paste UUID, MBSN into the CAP file - am I right?
I’m not so sure that I’ve understood how can we convert the .CAP file into a .bin (?!) Also could you please clarify, why did you mentioned about the Intel Image (I know may b a dumb question) the BIOS Chip is Winbond.

Removing the AMI Capsule is extremely easy and has nothing to do with the stuff you mentioned. Check this guide on how to remove the capsule header, doesn’t matter if it’s ASRock or ASUS on that regard.

Thanks, @plutomaniac I’ve read and watched more tutorials and now it’s all clear how to remove CAP header, how to migrate MAC address UUID, etc fro the existing damaged BIOS file to the new one, etc. I’ve also find how the .bin files are created. My concerns are still related to the other Bios sequences.

As we can see above I suppose that Only BIOS are re-Writted the other parts (e.g GbE, ME, PDR) are not. As long as we are erase the chip, these should be written after that following another procedure? Or we will write only this part of the bios using the update file downloaded from the producer site taking in consideration the fact that the other parts are untouched? How about if there is more damage in that sections too? Pretty confused.

these locks prevent you to reflash with FTP asus not want hat everybody mess around with them you can reflash whole chip by using chip programmer witch not care about locks but even if you reflash separately only GBE its can make pc without post or unlimited loop because descriptor not valid anymore. I played with this only works if you reflash whole edited cap or bin file to chip and pc post for you. Its also annoying take chip out from mobo every time to play with it.

These are the FD locks which control read/write access between the 5 SPI regions (FD, BIOS, ME, GbE, EC). They cannot restrict you when flashing with a programmer, only via software solutions. If you want to be able to reflash the entire SPI image via software instead of the programmer in the future, then you can remove the FD locks by altering offsets 0x80-0x90 with the following bytes:

00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF

Other than that, you can ignore these values at UEFITool if you are only interested in plain one-time recovery.


@plutomaniac , @Margus thank you,

I am not interested to modify the other parts except BIOS section but when the chip is erased by the programmer you are trying to say that the other regions (FD, ME, GbE, EC) are not erased being locked and it should work in this way?

The programmer can do whatever it wants, no restrictions. It will erase and write whatever you input it. These FD locks matter only when the system is operational to prevent unwanted read/write access. For example, if your FD is locked and you use Flash Programming Tool to relfash the GbE region, you will receive an error that the region is read/write protected. It’s a software security measure. The BIOS region itself is not locked by the FD. In your case though, you need to use a programmer because your system doesn’t even boot.

@plutomaniac I understand that but even if we are interested to write only the BIOS sequence, the "erase" command of the let’s say Ch341 Programmer software will erase the whole chip—am I right? I don’t think that exist an "erase specified section of the Bios chip" command.
Just to clarify: Or the other locked sequences will be re-written once we write the modified .bin image these sequences being also available but locked into the original site downloaded bios .cap file?

downloadable asus cap file not include MAC adress for network MB SN all these stored in GBE. Rest stuff included in cap file but users cant never flash normal way descriptor and rest stuff. If you want fully restore your chip you have to take cap file put your data in and and program chip voila all works.

ASus bioses not worth to edit you get maybe 500-1000 more points but its cause some other weird effects. I removed all my edits in bios and retuned to UBU updated cpu microcode and network stuff rest i left to default its no need i can easily get all out anyway 5 ghz even not problem.
I found even ME flashing is not always best probably 1000 points more and different oc settings more os reinstalls. To me everything works éven with default also by now, Sometimes vbios reflash can mess up descriptor also thats why bit played with it got all working checked this and this all works again.

but its always fun to learn what is it?
I wish good luck and hope all works properly.

You can buy DREAM PRO 3 and its solve your problem. Look aliexpress or ebay You can use it long time probably helps on next mobos also waht you buy future. Save friend laptop or friend messed up BIOS CHIP.

@Margus Sorry to continue, one thing is for sure I’m not so familiar with these and want to understand properly.
I understand that MAC and UUID should be copied, I fully understand that part.

Regarding the .bin exported file (from downloaded .cap) structure and the erase/write functions of the programmer:
Indeed I just want to restore the Bios Chip like it was when I bought the motherboard. I am not interested in modding but just want to understand, when you say If you want fully restore your chip you have to take cap file put your data in and and program chip voila all works I guess that u’re referring at the exported .bin file no other data;

- this file contain a) all SPI regions ? or b) only Bios region? or the rest of the data it’s about other steps that I should make (e.g. writing ME etc)? Here is my first concern. The second one is related to the next chapter of the previous scheme—if I use the programmer soft and hit erase/write function what will delete/write in which cases of the above described we are?

Could you be so kind and explain me following the earlier scheme please? I appreciate it

you get same file with fd44editor from cap what asus flash on factory if you copy paste numbers. There is no differnce HW keep its windows activation etc. Only you need fd44editor and backup from chip with usb programmer and usb programmer to reflash remade bios file from cap.

Good luck.

If fd44editor not detect ther mobo SN number or mac adre and uu code you have to use mobo stickers for that i restored to many ppl bioses from dead boards from bacup file i got always numbers out even if bios was corrupt

@Margus Danke schön, it’s all clear now :slight_smile:
One more question, I’ve found a programmer that supports W25Q128BV and I have W25Q128FVIQ will work?

Dreampro 3 is mutch more advanced its should read or wite all chps witch are W25Q128
BV or FVIQ have to read from datasheet so long if voltage range is same and programmer detect it as W25Q128 if not have change type manualy.

W25Q128 this mean
W is Winbond
25 is Socket package
Q is quad
128 is Mbits

I bought also optional 1.8v adapter to flash any kind eeproms even iphones so these specs have to read on net first what votlage range is in current chip.

Winbond W25Q128FVIQ
According to the manual, page 96, V=2.6 … 3.6V;

that is general use chip not low voltage its shold fine. ASUS use there FVIQ basicly its mean ID and other specs ID is written also in bios file if these IDs not match then NO POST
Original chip should work always.

I wish good luck on this.

@Margus , @plutomaniac
Hey guys, I’ve received from a friend a CH341A Programmer and reading again the above posts I’ve noticed in the plutomaniac advice to remove the AMI Capsule but in Margus’s video, this part is missing. Taking in consideration that I have the original chip and I am looking to restore the BIOS into the factory state, Is it really necessarily to remove the AMI Capsule? Thank you,

Yes, 100% necessary. You will brick it otherwise.