Advices updating Intel ME 3 AMT Firmware


Yesterday i posted here about a motherboard i’m getting soon that comes with an Intel ME 3 AMT and i’m willing to update it so i’m here asking for advices about how to proceed.

I’m going to update it to the latest version available here ->

My main concern at the moment is what i explained on the other thread about an user encountering the error Me is in recovery state after only updating the motherboard BIOS and not the MEI firmware specifically, i would like to know what precautions i should take and if in case i get the same problem / error is there any way to fix it?.

This is the ME firmware the BIOS comes with:

-------[ ME Analyzer v1.6.8 ]-------
Database r73
Firmware: Intel ME
Release: Production
Type: Region, Extracted
Date: 26/06/2007
Platform: Desktop
Latest: No

The instructions given by ASUS at the BIOS update page are there for the user to enable read/write access on the ME region of the SPI (recovery jumper) and to disable the ME during reflashing (removal of DIMM from Slot A1, old trick to disable the ME because it cannot access the UMA memory that it needs). These steps are not needed when using FWUpdate tool, only to update/repair the ME region via software flashers such Flash Programming Tool, AFU or whatever ASUS uses. After updating/reflashing via FPT, AFU etc, the user needs to set back the jumper and repopulate the A1 DIMM Slot for the ME to be operational once again. The “ME in recovery state” that user was getting was probably because he didn’t set the jumper back or he had no DIMM at slot A1 for some reason. So you shouldn’t expect that the same thing will happen to you. Generally, the best way to protect yourself is to keep a backup of the BIOS/SPI chip which can be done after setting the recovery jumper only.


@plutomaniac I just flashed the MEI and it was successful but the AMT tool is still on the same version; v3.0.2.0004, i guess this is normal and it doesn’t get updated with the ME firmware right?

I cannot understand what you mean by "AMT tool".

It’s the utility coming with the motherboard that loads during boot, u can access to it if u press a combination of keys (Control+P) to configure MEI parameters.

Looks like this one (not my capture):

That is called MEBx and it doesn’t follow the same version scheme as actual ME firmware or ME tools so you are good to go.