BIOS for Lenovo x260

Hi guys i’m looking for a bios for BIOS for Lenovo x260 without supervisor password.

Can anyone help?

bios file bin -->>…141841.rar/file

@tuanbacky - Do you have flash programmer? If not, then your best bet is to ask @DeathBringer over at BIOS-mods forum, I think he’s good at removing passwords but I’m not sure if he knows about it for all brands or not.

yes, i have flash programme RT809F
Can you help me solution ?

file bios lenovo x260 upload -->>…141841.rar/file

Please link me to same version stock BIOS download from Lenovo. I can help you reflash stock BIOS without NVRAM as first test, like you seen in the other thread, sometimes it is there, other times it’s not and fails as you saw in that other thread.
Really though, it’s best you ask DeathBringer or someone at BIOS-mods, so they can remove the actual password directly, instead of what I do as test, since it’s not ideal to remove NVRAM regions, nor program in stock BIOS.

Lost_N_BIOS thanks reply !

I asked DeathBringer in the mod-bios forum and am waiting for a response
But I see your method can also solve, you pleas help me reflash stock bios wthout NVRAM
links bios stock – >>…nloads/ds105890

My method did not solve the issue, did you read the other thread you posted in?? It did not work for that user, unless you saw success in some other thread maybe?
It’s not ideal to erase systems NVRAM anyway, I would only ever do that as a last resort. I do not “Clear” NVRAM out, I remove it, so there is none except stock which was only 1/10th of one volume and entire other volume would be removed entirely.
Now, if someone showed me which entry in NVRAM holds the password, if this fixes it on any system, then yes I could simply remove the password only and leave NVRAM in tact.

The final solution is to change the mec1653 chip

@tuanbacky - But, is that ONLY solution? Where did you read this? You have flash programmer, can’t you dump that chip, then FF contents?