N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>ACPIPatch.cmd Z170_2003.CAP N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>pushd "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>if "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" == "" echo no file && pause && exit N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>set path="N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\..\bin1;"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\..\bin;"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\..\bin1\iasl-win-20161222;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.0\bin;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing Toolkit\CUDA\v10.0\libnvvp;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files\Microsoft MPI\Bin\;C:\Python27\;C:\Python27\Scripts;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\Calibre2\;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\130\Tools\Binn\;C:\Go\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\AOMEI Backupper;C:\Users\kevin\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps;C:\Program Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\Users\kevin\go\bin;C:\Users\kevin\.dotnet\tools N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>UEFIFind.exe header count 70074A413940B7D029C21F105E92 "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>if 8 NEQ 0 (set Patch=Patch_D3 ) else set Patch=Patch N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>if exist "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump" rmdir /s /q "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>rem copy /y "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.bak" >nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>echo ------------Extract module------------ ------------Extract module------------ N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>uefiextract "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" 6B5C8FE5-70DD-4E17-BFF4-D21C26586EB3 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>uefiextract "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>uefiextract "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>uefiextract "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>uefiextract "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP" 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>set refs="N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>del "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>del "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt 2>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>del "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_compile.log 2>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>for /F "delims=" %f in ('echo "Z170_2003.CAP.dump"') do ( pushd %~sf set work=%~sf ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>( pushd N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump set work=N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>for /F "delims=" %i in ('dir /s /b *VOLUM* 2>nul') do move /y "%i" . 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>move /y "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\1 Volume image section" . 1>nul N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>for / %i in (*C118F50D*) do ( pushd %~si for /R %e in (body.bin) do echo %~se 1>N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\dsdtpath.txt popd ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( pushd N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D for /R %e in (body.bin) do echo %~se 1>N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\dsdtpath.txt popd ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D>echo N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.bin 1>N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\dsdtpath.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D>echo N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\dsdtpath.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>for /F %o in (dsdtpath.txt) do set dsdtpath=%~dpo N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>set dsdtpath=N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\ N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>for /R %i in (body.bin) do ( if exist %~si ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 %~si') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d %~si 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d %~si 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\0 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\0 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\0 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\0 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\0 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\0 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\0 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\1 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\1 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\1 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\1 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\10 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\10 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\10 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\10 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\2 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\2 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\2 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\2 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\3 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\3 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\3 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\3 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\4 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\4 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\4 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\4 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\5 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\5 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\5 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\5 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\6 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\6 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\6 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\6 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\7 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\7 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\7 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\7 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\8 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\8 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\8 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\8 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>( if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\9 Raw section\body.bin ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F %b in ('xxd -ps -l 4 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\9 Raw section\body.bin') do (if %b == 53534454 (set ido=1 ) else (if %b == 44534454 (set ido=1 ) else (set ido=0 ) ) ) if !ido! == 1 ( iasl -e !dsdtpath!\body.bin -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\9 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 if !errorlevel! NEQ 0 (iasl -fe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\\Patch_D3\refs.txt" -d N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\9 Raw section\body.bin 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_extract.log 2>&1 ) ) ) endlocal ) Usage: xxd [options] [infile [outfile]] or xxd -r [-s [-]offset] [-c cols] [-ps] [infile [outfile]] Options: -a toggle autoskip: A single '*' replaces nul-lines. Default off. -b binary digit dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). Default hex. -C capitalize variable names in C include file style (-i). -c cols format octets per line. Default 16 (-i: 12, -ps: 30). -E show characters in EBCDIC. Default ASCII. -e little-endian dump (incompatible with -ps,-i,-r). -g number of octets per group in normal output. Default 2 (-e: 4). -h print this summary. -i output in C include file style. -l len stop after octets. -o off add to the displayed file position. -ps output in postscript plain hexdump style. -r reverse operation: convert (or patch) hexdump into binary. -r -s off revert with added to file positions found in hexdump. -s [+][-]seek start at bytes abs. (or +: rel.) infile offset. -u use upper case hex letters. -v show version: "xxd V1.10 27oct98 by Juergen Weigert (Win32)". N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>for /R %i in (body.dsl) do if exist %~si grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" %~si 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\0 Intel image\3 BIOS region\5 4F1C52D3-D824-4D2A-A2F0-EC40C23C5916\3 9E21FD93-9C72-4C15-8C4B-E77F1DB2D792\0 EE4E5898-3914-4259-9D6E-DC7BD79403CF\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\255 C118F50D-391D-45F4-B3D3-11BC931AA56D\0 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\0 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\376 EA139578-FEA0-4DD2-91B5-6953819EF1E4\0 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\0 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\377 3BBB09DA-1E0F-469B-8997-D440F101D6F1\0 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\0 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\0 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\1 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\1 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\10 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\10 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\2 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\2 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\3 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\3 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\4 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\4 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\5 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\5 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\6 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\6 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\7 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\7 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\8 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\8 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>if exist N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\9 Raw section\body.dsl grep -lobUaP "CPU7|STS7|PDC7|CAP7" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\1 Volume image section\0 5C60F367-A505-419A-859E-2A4FF6CA6FE5\380 C38FB0E2-0C43-49C9-B544-9B17AA4DCBA3\9 Raw section\body.dsl 1>>"N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\"\_needmod.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>rem DSDT N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump>pushd "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>echo --------------Patching---------------- --------------Patching---------------- N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>echo A M I A M I N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>set dsdtdsl=N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>grep -e \"\\\\_PR.CPU7\"\, N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl 1>nul grep: N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl: No such file or directory N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>if 2 == 0 (set n1=8 ) else (set n1=12 ) N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>patch.exe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl" 0sed -i -f Patch_D3\sed.txt N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl sed: can't read N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl: No such file or directory N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>rem for /f %a in ('sed -n "s/Name (DEVY, Package (\(0x[0-9A-F]\{2\}\))/\1/p" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl') do set /a replace=%a + 12 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>rem for /f "tokens=3" %a in ('hex2dec.cmd ') do sed -i "s/Name (DEVY, Package (0x[0-9A-F]\{2,8\})/Name (DEVY, Package (%a)/" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>sed -i "s/Name (DEVY, Package (0x[0-9A-F]\{2,8\})/Name (DEVY, Package (0x40)/" N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl sed: can't read N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl: No such file or directory N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>patch.exe "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl" 0iasl.exe -G "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump\\body.dsl" 1>>_compile.log 2>&1 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>rem DSDT end N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>for /F "delims=" %i in (_needmod.txt) do ( setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION for /F "delims=" %s in (Patch_D3\filelist.txt) do ( grep -l "%s" "%i" 1>nul if !errorlevel! EQU 0 ( echo --------------Patching---------------- && echo %s sed -i -f Patch_D3\sed2.txt %i rem unix2dos %i 2>nul patch.exe "%i" 0>_compile.log 2>&1 ) ) endlocal ) cannot find _needmod.txt。 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>echo ------------Check------------ ------------Check------------ N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>grep "Compilation" _compile.log N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>echo if all above has 0 Errors,please choose 1 if all above has 0 Errors,please choose 1 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>CHOICE /C 12 /N /M "continue: 1,exit: 2" continue: 1,exit: 2 2 N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>if 2 EQU 1 call ACPIRepack Z170_2003.CAP && exit /b N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI>if 2 EQU 2 ( if exist "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump" rmdir /s /q "N:\biod_mid_jie\ACPI\Z170_2003.CAP.dump" if exist _compile.log del _compile.log if exist _extract.log del _extract.log if exist _needmod.txt del _needmod.txt exit /b 404 )