SCT Flash Utility for Lenovo for Windows V1.0.3.9 Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Phoenix Technologies Ltd. Copyright (c) 2011-2017 Lenovo Group Limited. Usage: Flash [COMMAND] bak [filename] Backup BIOS ROM before flash. bbl Flash boot block. bcp [EVSA binary] Overwrite BCP data. bcplogo [BCP name] [file name] [Image ID] Replace logo image stored in BCP. cac Check AC power is on. capload Upload capsule without check. cbp threshold Check battery power in percentage. cvar Clear variables. dat string Specify the asset tag DMI string. dks string Specify the SKU number DMI string. dmc string Specify the chassis manufacturer DMI string. dmm string Specify the motherboard manufacturer DMI string. dms string Specify the system manufacturer DMI string. dos [string;string2;...]|[index1 string1 ...] Specify the OEM DMI strings. dpc string Specify the chassis asset tag number DMI string. dpm string Specify the motherboard product ID DMI string. dps string Specify the system product ID DMI string. dsc string Specify the chassis serial number DMI string. dsm string Specify the motherboard serial number DMI string. dss string Specify the system serial number DMI string. dus [uuid] [overwrite] Specify the UUID DMI string. dvc string Specify the chassis version DMI string. dvm string Specify the motherboard version DMI string. dvs string Specify the system version DMI string. endkey Required key press after flashing. errorkey Required key press after flashing error. ese Enable security examiner. exit Exit program after flash completed. file filename Indicate BIOS image file for flash. help Show command list. ipf [region name]|all Flash specific region logo filename [ImageId] [filename] [ImageId] ... Replace logo. ls [ImageId] ... Reserve logo in BIOS ROM. mod filename Replace a FFS module. nodelay No delay after flash. nodrom No decomposing ROM when crisis recovery. noerror Do not display error messages. nowarn Do not display warning messages. oc string Specify the OEM command line. p Production mode. Disable simple text output. prog start size Flash specific area. Both parameters in hexadecimal. patch Patch mode. To patch particular data to current BIOS. raw GUID filename [Index] Replace raw section of FFS module. rsbr GUID1 GUID2 ... Reserve sub-regions with specified GUIDs. sd Skip BIOS build date time checking. sfc Skip flash options in BIOS FlashCommand. silent Silent operation (no beeps). slp filename Replace SLP marker or MSDM key. spu filename 20|21 Replace SLP public key. ss Skip all SLP sub-regions. sn Skip part number checking. shutdown Shutdown after flash completed instead of reboot. v Enable flash verification. vbl Enable Microsoft Bit-locker check. vcpu [filename] Update variable size CPU microcode. wb Flash without skipping same content blocks. write filename start [fdla] Write a binary file to specific physical address or FDLA. wsbr GUID filename Write a binary file to specific sub-region.