Samsung NVMe legacy BOOT ROM present on 950 Pro

This is a great idea, by completing this project we will help many!:+1:t2: It is necessary to deal with this topic!:v:t3: Too bad I donโ€™t have much experience with this! But something, with your help, I managed!:wink:

@Fernando give me some time to write it down. I modded a third H8 BIOS with it. It was easy with the tools we collect for it.

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How did you unpack the 2B0QBXX7.enc file?

There is no need to extract the NVMe OptionROM yourself. You can find it >here<. You only have to customize the HardwareIDs of the related NVMe Controller.

This is not the point.
I already have a modified BIOS of the motherboard with the Samsung 950 NVMe disk legacy firmware + UEFI DXE NvmExpressDxe_5.ffs driver:

I thought that maybe the Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_Plus_4B2QEXM7.iso firmware update would add booting function from the NVMe disk but not. When I boot PC the from the ISO file, I have a message:

No supported SSD detected for Firmware Update!!!

The only NVMe SSD, which has an NVMe Option ROM within its Firmware, is the Samsung 950 Pro.
If your mainboard BIOS contains an NVMe EFI module, you can install Win10 or Win11 onto your Samsung 970 EVO in UEFI mode.

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