4070 Eagle OC Bios mod Request

If there is any way to modify stock bios to push the graphic card just a little bit ? My graphic is very cold around 50-55 max temps also the memory of it . i know it can draw 216 wat but mostly it stay way under close to 160-170 with lastest updates from nvidia . When i buy that graphic it was allmost all the time 200 w in every game i play . Now it slow down a bit . I wonder if it possible to get that performance back i don’t ask for more than she can hold just to get back that 200 w all the time . Thanks for any info here

Dont think this is a case for a vbios mod and all the risks in the operation, use MSI AB etc…admiting you’re using the correct setting in bios switch…as its stated that uses OC by default.
Anyway, wait for other possible users’ opinion.

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Im use After burner and OC + little undervolt by my self. And it was works flawless with 200 wat ussage easly… Problem comes when the 5000 series was promoted and new drivers start comes out… ( i have same OC and undervolt like before)…I was alredy try flash bios with other ones but non of them wants to install. And mayby its good. All i want to get back my performance like it was working half year ago. Dont need to go over 216 wat like it was in stock. It was running 200-210 most of the time while gaming and now 160-180 wat is max