5 minute+ boot time with Intel USB 3.0 drivers running Intel 100 series/C230 Chipset

Hello everyone!

Randomly out of no where, I started getting 5-10 minute boot times. With ProcessMonitor, I was able to narrow down the issue to the Intel USB 3.0 drivers running the Intel 100 series/C230 chipset causing the slow boot up. If I uninstall the USB drivers and reboot, the PC takes its normal 30-45 second boot time. Once it automatically reinstalls the drivers on the first boot up, any restarts afterwards will take 5-10 minutes again. I’m using the Asus Z170 Pro Motherboard with the 6th gen i7-6700k with Windows 10 64bit. I can’t seem to find any additional driver support for my set up. Any recommendations on what I should try next?

@mrpicklebottoms :
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!

Do you have any USB device connected while booting?
What happens, when you replace the Intel USB 3.0 drivers by the generic Win10 in-box MS USB 3.0 drivers?

Dieter (alias Fernando)

Thank you!

I have tested without any USB devices plugged in, and it still has the same 5 minute + boot time.
I wasn’t aware there was a generic Microsoft USB 3.0 driver. How do I install it without Windows automatically installing the Intel drivers?

Edit: Sorry, I was thinking it was installing the Intel drivers as it had the name: “Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller - 1.0 (Microsoft)”, but never noticed the (Microsoft) tag at the end. It appears my issue is more of not being able to find any official Intel drivers for my chipset that supports Windows 10 64 bit

There are no Intel USB 3.0 drivers availabe, which natively do support Windows 10, but Win10 users are nevertheless able to get them installed and working, if they use my mod+signed variant.
You can find the download links and some advices how to get them properly installed within the start post of >this< thread.

I was only able to find the modded drivers for 7th and 8th gen, but I have the 6th gen. It appears the 8th gen modded drivers supports DeviceID: DEV_A12F which matches my hardware. Would those drivers be compatible with mine?

Sorry for asking stupid questions that have already been answered! I am testing out the modded drivers now