Acer laptop - How to find the BIOS chip?

Completely new to BIOS modding. Before I go down the route of getting an SPI programmer, can someone tell me how to find where the BIOS chip is located on my motherboard? It’s an Acer Aspire 5 Slim A515-54-30BK. Is the chip on the other side of the motherboard?? (And for future reference, what sources are generally good for finding where the BIOS chip is in a laptop?)

@meybrin - Eye’s are best for locating BIOS chip However, some systems you can find “Schematic” in google with model name or motherboard name / ID printed on the PCB.
To view those you will need to download a program called BoardViewer. Schematics are like a 3D blueprint that lets you hover chips/IC’s, scroll in/out, flip board etc, look at nearly everything and it gives you info on it all.

The only chip I see that may be the BIOS is under the tape, near fan on left side, directly above the middle of the black ribbon cable (Little left and down from the fan screw)
That may or may not be the BIOS, it could be EC or other FW, you’d have to dump it to be sure.