I own a Gigabyte GA-Z68XP-UD3 mobo (Z68 chipset) with a successfully flashed NVME modules.
I recently purchased a TPM 1.2 IC (chip), installed it, but can’t find any option in BIOS for it, and if to trust this source, seems that TPM has been removed from the newest UEFI firmware (but DID exist in the old BIOS).
Is there any way to flash a custom TPM module so that my TPM IC will be recognized?
Edit by Fernando: Thread title specified
TPM seems to have too many dependencies, some seem to require code changes not just extra modules: https://github.com/tianocore/tianocore.g…pute_Module_TPM
Using the old BIOS that supports TPM and updating some modules, microcode and tweaking configuration might be easier than adding back TPM support.
I have the same problem but with a tpm 2.0 chip any luck on adding trusted computing on bios modding level?