AGESA CPU Microcode update possible?

Hey, I have an Asus K55DR laptop (Trinity AGESA). This laptop came standard with an A8 4500M. i have fitted an A10 5750M.
The question i have is regarding AGESA. Is it possible to update the AGESA/microcodes?
The Asus X550DP (Richland AGESA) comes standard with the A10 5750M
Both laptops have the same GUID
I read that the AGESA is generated and that it is not possible to extract from one bios and insert into another.

EDIT by Fernando: Thread title customized to open it for other users, who want to update the AGESA Microcode within the BIOS of their system

I don’t know it, but you may have a better chance to get an answer, if you would give your thread a more meaningful title like "ASUS laptop - AGESA update possible?"

I have changed the title.
It is probably a waste of time, i can not find a way to flash a modified bios.
The bios is encapsulated.
Ezy Flash obviously doesn’t work. WinFlash says any modified rom is incorrect size or invalid. AFUwin states bios is not supported.
I cant boot the system in normal bios mode, only UEFI mode.
Would you by any chance know of a way to boot into dos from UEFI mode?
Bios link, if required

Your options for flashing a modified file are limited to one, if we assume that Asus has all the locks in place. But I don’t see the reason for flashing. Yes, AGESA is provided as a source code and it involves too many files to even think about replacing it. But I see that you are already updated:


The microcodes are at the last version I know, the same thing for AGESA. What is really old: SMU - latest 10.14 ; GOP - latest ; VBIOS - latest ; RAID and Lan not important for your system.

Edit: For the other laptop:


Thank you very much for the information!
As i have changed to the Richland processor, the laptop no longer boots in the regular bios mode (CSM?) it will only boot in UEFI mode.
By default, the laptop allocates 512MB of RAM to the integrated graphics, the dedicated graphics in the laptop has 1GB of dedicated RAM, this causes a problem when using the dual graphics mode as every application/game detects only 512MB graphics. If i could allocate 2GB of RAM to the integrated graphics it would be very helpful, it is possible for me to disable the dedicated graphics and make use of just the integrated with 2GB of RAM.
The main thing that i want to do, if possible, is increase the amount of memory allocated to the integrated graphics and unlock any and all bios options if possible, i know there is also a setting to increase ram speed to 1866 which would greatly improve the integrated graphics performance. I also want to make sure the defaults are set to boot in UEFI mode and disable the CSM (so if i need to clear the bios for any reason i am able to boot with the upgraded processor)
Secondary, i want to try update the vbios / vGOP but i am not sure that is possible.
May i ask what software you used to find the information you shared?

Summary: Really want to increase integrated graphics memory to 2GB, select faster RAM speed, default to UEFI with CSM disabled.
Problem: Can not find a way to flash the bios. Perhaps its possible to flash from Linux? Otherwise possible flash with Raspberry Pi?

Professor Farnsworth goes: Wha? You started this thread to ask about AGESA updating and after you got an answer (not the one you wanted, I admit), you drop the entire load of your wishes. It is not the first time I see this behaviour: the user comes to fish for an answer (no offence intended) and once he sees it on board, he drops the dynamite on the entire lake, just to see what else is there to be caught. This forum is not run by robots that feed on questions, it expects the users to have a measure in asking for help, one question at a time. And even if it was run by robots, I would be Bender most likely. What you tried is equivalent to updating from SandyBridge to IvyBridge, a move that had to be supported by Intel and OEMs and not on all platforms. Now you want to have everything in order, with the help of others, if possible. There is an answer to each of your questions, but it would take me x times the amount of what you wrote to answer. It won’t happen today and probably not in the following days either. Did you tried with Asus, just to see how they give you a spin on the money you paid them?

I understand what you mean.

I contacted Asus months ago, half the questions i asked were ignored. The only real response i got from them was "After checking information, we don’t have the related feature in ASUS BIOS. It seems that you can’t change dedicated memory of VGA. However, I can pass your complaint to our design department for further improvement."

I emailed them again a week ago and have not yet had a reply.

I am sorry for overwhelming you with questions.

I would most likely be fat bot (i don’t remember if he had a name or weather it was indeed fat bot)

I suppose I can make an exception for a fellow robot:
- As previously stated, don’t expect to have everything working. For every new CPU generation there is a need for a new AGESA. For this reason some boards have been updated from KaveriPI to GodavariPI. Yours is just too old to be updated, see here.
- there is an option to disable Integrated Graphic, there is also an option to increase the memory of internal graphic to 1GB or 2GB. But it involves unlocking hidden options and I’m not sure if I should guide you there. What if you change something and brick the laptop?
- your new CPU supports 1866 MHz and there is an option to raise the memory clock to 1866 MHz, but see above about the danger. And I’m not even sure if the CPU will be able to hold this clock without a new AGESA.
- you can disable CSM from Boot tab. It currently boots to UEFI mode because it is missing a legacy module. Since you changed only the CPU/APU, this has to be the VBIOS of integrated GPU. See the screen of second laptop, you need one of those VBIOS, the one(s) that match your GPU(s) ID.
- you can update VBIOS and GOP with ease, they are not modified. But only for internal GPU, the external one needs a custom one. See the last 6 digits in version - if it is non-zero, it is custom made.
- Asus has placed some locks. See here and also read this.

Im have mobo ECS GeForce7050M-M (V2.0) <a href=";MenuID=20&amp;LanID=0" target="_blank"></a><br />Im install cpu AMD Athlon X2 250, the CPU will POST and run but shows as “unknown processor”.

How update Agesa module in AMI bios to new version for support AM3 CPU?

EDIT by Fernando: Post moved into the already existing thread with the same topic

@ Petrovich:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Since there is already a thread with a rather similar topic I have moved your post into that one and hope, that you will get help by an expert like lordkag.

Dieter (alias Fernando)


The only company that (I know of to have) implemented AGESA as a single, replaceable module was AWARD. AMI, in both AMIBIOS or APTIO form, has offered the sources and the OEMs modified and built them to their needs. In your case, AGESA is found in 1B and E1 modules. I strongly suggest to not touch them. It is curious that they mention to have updated to AGESA, but the modules still have AGESA tag. The only relatively safe thing to do is to add the missing microcode. Athlon II X2 250 has 100F62 ID, the microcode is attached. Use MMTool > CPU Patch for inserting, blame AMI for anything that could happen. But don’t expect a working solution, a microcode is there to fix issues, not to support CPUs.

cpu100F62_ver010000C7_date#11-03-2010.rar (778 Bytes)

I have not written - did replace microcode Module 11 from the latter bios A790GXH128M (support AM3 CPUs) and the problem is not solved… "AMD Unknown processor"…ownload&os=BIOS

With attached .bin - the situation is the same…

So I decided that it was necessary to update Agesa module.

May take E1 modules from this bios, for example?…nuID=24&LanID=0

You should have placed the microcode before the padding or remove that padding. That is, the microcode should have been placed in position 12. I have already written that the AGESA modules can’t be used in AMI case, for they are not the same for every board. But if you know the boards are similar, you have nothing to lose and you don’t mind bricking the board, who am I to stop you?

Hello guys.

I replaced (resoldered) BGA AMD Processor on Lenovo s206 laptop. I installed AMD E2-2000, but now my laptop starts and the processor is being detected as “AMD Processor Model Unknown”. As I researched, there are no claims of “E2-2” in stock AGESA code of Lenovo s206. I tried to replace it with AGESA code extracted from Lenovo G585 which has AMD E2-2000 support, and replaced AGESA module using PhoenixTool, but the laptop doesn’t work with modified BIOS. How to add support of AMD E2-2000? Maybe somebody may help?

I attached original BIOS image from Lenovo s206 and AGESA module from G585.

Thanks in advance! (1.24 MB)

Hei @clackersx I have an upgrade my k55dr from a8-4500m to amd a8-5550m ( is richland to ) but after placed the prosessor and setup the fan, the laptop is only black and only spinning fan sound without any activity or power on display, no bios screen no boot to os (i set before in mbr not uefi), you say you can boot up system with your a10-5750m on only uefi mode, is you can enter or see bios splash screen after installing the prosessor ? my bios is latest version 217

@asusamdk55 - use @ before exact user name your asking and they will get a message you tagged them. I could not find anyone name clark, so I could not tag them for you

thank @Lost_N_BIOS i had been edited the post, i didnt know how to use the forum since its first time post something.