AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

Is there a smaller UEFI GOP module to insert or a compressed version? To try to fit it in. How can I know what my BIOS chip size without the hassle of opening it?

I am fully aware. Not afraid of killing the GPU, I have CHA341 on hand and I have some skills. Just trying to spare me some time.

The Gainward GTX 570 (Not GS or GLH model) has the BIOS chip Pm25LD010 (Full name on the chip is Pm25LD010 CE1142 HNHT1HG). Sadnly couldn’t confirm which size is it (512Kbit / 1Mbit / 2Mbit, I would have enough space for the new BIOS only if it is the 2Mbit as I understand).

Edit (from previous post, just to make sure… sorry): Also as I understand from you the errors I got from the GOP-Updater are normal and not to be afraid of as the injection was done successfully.

Memory Organization

Yeah but this doesn’t mean you wont get a broken card just like the attempt of this user with a EVGA GTX570…

Already told you that it is unlikely of any success on these older cards…

Ah ha. Did not notice that at first glance on the internet and I was in a bit of a rush so I closed up the card. Anyhow it is not enough space for the newly auto generated VBIOS, as it ended up 140KB.
Is there a reason that soldering a Pm25LD020 chip instead wouldn’t boot (even with stock bios)?

It’s not that big of a deal as I understand. In case the card dies I can just reflash the stock bios through DOS with the right nVidia flashing tools, and if that doesn’t work I will use CHA341. Or am I missing something here?

Thanks a lot for helping. Appreciate your time answering :slight_smile:

It could… but rarely on these old gpu cards generations.

Model: Asus Radeon 6970 DirectCU II
VGA Bios Collection: Asus HD 6970 2048 MB | TechPowerUp

Use the updated links (Today) on the OP
AMD GOP driver 1.70 or MGOP 1.69
Do not flash the backup bios of the card.

Thank you

Some new gop files… Nvidia & AMD updated 2024-06-02


I bought a RX 580 2048 8GB from aliexpress, it was from soyo and had single fan and fan speed was fixed, it was not working with secure boot ON. So i updated the GOP using this guide and it worked. Thanks.

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What can I do with these files?

on a rx 550 with modded vbios

************************* GOPupd *************************

************************ Update EFI GOP ************************

***************** Drop VBIOS file on this .bat *****************

Dumping info from = i hat my life and i want to die.rom

ID of ROM file = 1002-67FF

*** Extracting with UEFIRomExtract by AndyV ***

Found compressed EFI ROM start at 0x58
Input size: 58792, Output size: 106408, Scratch size: 13360

*** Extracting with GOPupd… ***

AMD GOP LibBuild ---- Dated: Jul 13 2020 23:42:33

AMD_Build 3457 AMD_ChangeList 2143793 GOP BIOS_IDTF 0xDEADBEEF

Most likely signed by: Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011

Machine Code = x64

Checksum CRC32 = 5FE00674

Note: The GOP file is not present in my database.

  You can help me by reporting it.

*** Processing with GOPupd… ***

You have a newer version! Please report it in the forum!

Press any key to exit…

[the forum is not letting me attach the vbios files] so :frowning:221.7 KB file on MEGA)

i have modified vbios and evn thought it says i have gop it dosent boot with csm disabled in bios only the default bios works but i need the modded vbios

Modded vbios need csm enabled.
The only way to use uefi boot (without secure boot) is to use magic uefi gop 1.69
You can search it in the forum.
read more here:
-[Request] Amd rx 580 8gb VGA modded vbios with magic gop drivers


i used magic gop and got this output

************************* GOPupd *************************

************************ Update EFI GOP ************************

***************** Drop VBIOS file on this .bat *****************

Dumping info from = original vbios.rom

ID of ROM file = 1002-67FF

*** Extracting with UEFIRomExtract by AndyV ***

Found compressed EFI ROM start at 0x58
Input size: 58792, Output size: 106408, Scratch size: 13360

*** Extracting with GOPupd… ***

AMD GOP LibBuild ---- Dated: Jul 13 2020 23:42:33

AMD_Build 3457 AMD_ChangeList 2143793 GOP BIOS_IDTF 0xDEADBEEF

Most likely signed by: Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011

Machine Code = x64

Checksum CRC32 = 5FE00674

Note: The GOP file is not present in my database.

  You can help me by reporting it.

*** Processing with GOPupd… ***

You have a newer version! Please report it in the forum!

edit : i forgot to mention but i am gettin
The vga card is not supported by uefi driver error whn i try to boot with csm disabled

Your vbios has already 1.70. The only magic gop is only 1.69 version.
The tool can’t downgrade. You need an unmodified vbios that has lower gop version for example 1.68 and then update it with 1.69 magic gop.

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okay i did that got the stock bios and applied my vbios mod to it and updated gop using magic gop 1.69 however this error message is there

Do you want to update GOP to Y for yes or N for no: y

Fixing ID for EFI image. No checksum correction is needed.

Removing unnecessary end padding.

Data after ROM and not part of EFI! Please report it!

Recovering extra data at the same offset 0x1FF00.

File “done_updGOP.rom” with updated GOP was written!

Press any key to exit…

This is not an error it the same message every time.
if you updated with the magic gop It will work.

If it does not work you simply you update with the original 1.69 gop. You need to find the magic 1.69 gop.
This is my last response to this. I think it is somewhere in the thread.

i ignored the error and flashed nevertheless seems to work

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thanks for your work ,where can i download?

6800xt falid.
Error:IndexError: list index out of range