Good evening everybody, I would need a modded vbios for that GPU with magic gop drivers (bypassing signature), because I’m stuck with cms use, and that gives me no room for using a second monitor (corrupt signal from Display Port), and booting anything in UEFI mode, so I’m basically cut out from anything that is not Windows OS, with some glitches and freezes as well. I tried every option avaiable in the bios, I updated it with the latest firmware, I’ve tried oher mobos with updated firmwares and it does not work either on any of them. This is the only card that gives me trouble, and ultimately i’ve found out that it doesn’t have gop drivers in the vbios.
So I looked up how to add gop drivers in the vbios, and I came to these two topics:
And this one post on this other thread, specific for amd:
But In both cases I didn’t know what to do with the .bat file and the rom i extracted, and the libraries in the zip file. I spent more than 4 hours looking for any clue or post about anyone having any issue using it, but everybody speaks like they had already used it and they knew how to.In the end I gave up… I found no post or specific guide for those tools.
Is anybody so kind to mod that vbios for me or at least give me a hint on how to use gopupdater tool? Python3 is correctly installed and PATH is on.
Below I’ll post the rarfile containing the tool, my GPU-Z output and the rom file I dumped from the vga using the same program.
Thank you so much, that really saves me the year!
So those are ready to be flashed, right?
Do you suggest to try gop 1.70 first to see if it bypasses the signature and everything runs smoothly, or going straight with the magic gop?
What would make more sense here?
Thanks again mate
I did all that, and now I can boot in UEFI. But still, when I try to use DP port together with HDMI it doesn’t send the signal to the additional screen, and also screws up the driver for the main screen as well. I’m starting to believe this card has been modded and damaged prior to the selling. Since I had already made my peace with the card being unusable, this is all a plus anyways.
Good evening everyone, I have a problem with my rx580, I have modified my vbios to gop version 1.70, but I still can’t disable CSM in my motherboard (secure boot). Is it possible for this card to work with CSM disabled and secure boot?
I’m looking for help with modifying the VBIOS of the Sapphire RX 580 8GB card. The computer keeps returning to the motherboard BIOS when I set the UEFI mode, and without it the Resizable Bar option doesn’t supposed to work.
I made a VBIOS dump with the GPU-Z program, after dragging this file (Ellesmere.rom) to GOPupd.bat and confirming Administrator rights I get the following error:
“No EFI ROM found or error on decompression !!!”