AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

Do you need signed drivers or are you OK without signed driver, due to this post (I’ll be using those files/method)
AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY) (17)

So your options are these, which do you want
GOP unsigned. (May be only option)
GOP unsigned.
GOP signed (In the end, this may not be possible either) << This turned out to be only one that created a valid mod file, using A option (All rest using Image 1, Image 2 A/B and Image 3B all give PE checksum error)
A = no ucode (removed)
B = ucode kept, but relocated

If @Sylar76 or anyone else would look at the other 4 all these vBIOS see below (please), maybe you can fix the issue so he has all the other possible options.
I planned to give him 3A, since no PE Checksum error, but then I realized that is no microcode method so not ideal.…745668332725826

@Bata - if you do not have flash programmer, wait for someone else to check these files (Do not flash these, until someone checks or confirms they are OK)
It’s normal none can open in AMD ROM Info post edit, I’ve seen that plenty with mod vBIOS that was OK. If you want to see info you can drop in GOP UPD Batch to see version info, but not all can be viewed there on mod vBIOS sometimes due to crashes out AMD ROM Info
Anyway, do not flash these yet, please wait until someone checks to be sure they are all OK, or fixes that checksum for you if it needs fixed

OK, I finished update with GOP and this is my new flashed bios
updated older GOP
original rom 128kB
updated rom 121kB but everything after 121kB is blank like in original
for now no problems, only I don’t know is this signed or no, and what is difference if is not signed
version of GOP update, and yes I have flash programmer without adaptor, found something on net “universal Flash Chip IC Test klip - Adpter BIOS/24/25/93” (84.9 KB)


Not sure if those fit tiny graphics chips or not, I think generic SOIC8 test cjip might but I have never directly checked.

So you just used GOP UPD as-is latest version, and did not use special files like I mentioned I would use? If not, and it’s working, great, sorry I didn’t think to check that way, always thought we had to use that older method and those files.

please delete

Hello everyone,

I see that I’m very late to this thread, but I may have some info that could help. I am running an ASUS P8Z68-V PRO/Gen3 Board and like all of you the POST process freezes at the logo screen if I use the EFI Boot option. However A few years ago I was using a Gigabyte GV-R797OC-3GD video card and that card WOULD boot using the EFI Boot option! There was a noticeable boot speed-up too!

The card worked this way until Gigabyte updated the card BIOS to the F3 version. But the F1 and F2 vbios worked just fine with EFI enabled.

I have attached all three vbios below for your inspection. Perhaps this will provide an insight into why the EFI option doesn’t work anymore. Maybe the GOP section needs to be removed entirely or modified in the F1/F2 style.

Gigabyte.R797O3GD.rar (107 KB)


I got the rom from the card and then updated it using your program but when I try to flash it it gives an error. comparing it it states the file is now different as the current rom. What am I doing wrong can anyone help me out? thx.

NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.414.0)
Simplified Version For OEM Only
Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)…

Adapter: GeForce GT 520 (10DE,0DE4,1043,83D2) H:–:NRM S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00

Current - Version:70.08.5C.00.00 ID:10DE:0DE4:1043:83D2
GF108 Board - 1071v001 (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:70.08.5C.00.00 ID:10DE:0DE4:1043:83D2
GF108 Board - 1071v001 (Normal Board)

Update display adapter firmware?
Press ‘y’ to confirm (any other key to abort): y
Identifying EEPROM…
EEPROM ID (1F,0065) : Atmel AT25F512 2.7-3.6V 512Kx1S, page
Nothing changed!

ERROR: Cannot program a non-page boundary or invalid range for EEPROM.

--compare gt520.org_updGOP.rom

NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.414.0)
Simplified Version For OEM Only
Adapter: GeForce GT 520 (10DE,0DE4,1043,83D2) H:–:NRM S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00

Identifying EEPROM…
EEPROM ID (1F,0065) : Atmel AT25F512 2.7-3.6V 512Kx1S, page
Reading adapter firmware image…
Current - Version:70.08.5C.00.00 ID:10DE:0DE4:1043:83D2
GF108 Board - 1071v001 (Normal Board)
Compare with - Version:70.08.5C.00.00 ID:10DE:0DE4:1043:83D2
GF108 Board - 1071v001 (Normal Board)

ERROR: Mismatch at offset 0x0000019D.

Size diffs between file(122880) and adapter firmware (62464)

@mockingbird - did you get it?

@Cyberia - please clarify your post. You said “a few years ago was using this card and it worked” and then now attached that same model vBIOS. The way you said that sounds like you are using some new card now, or are you still using that same card?
If still using same card, then that’s confusingly written Additionally you can’t remove GOP and boot to EFI, that is what makes the EFI boot possible.

F1-F2 BIOS do not have EFI/GOP module, so would never be possible to boot to EFI/secure boot enabled system with those vBIOS.
F3 BIOS has EFI/GOP from 2013

What is your goal? Any/all can be updated to latest GOP/EFI vBIOS (2018), here, all updated to latest EFI/GOP…503119871227799

@osrcs - attach files or no one can help. Looks like file you are trying to flash in is twice the size of the actual FW, so it may not fit the chip either.
Be careful!

Thank you for your fast reply. I attached the original, the one GOP Updater created an the output in the attached zip file. Hope someone knows what I did wrong. thx. (150 KB)

@osrcs - please attach GPU-z dump of your vBIOS

You may not be able to use GOP, unless you put on a larger vBIOS chip, or if someone knows how to put in smaller GOP like we can do for some AMD vBIOS.

Isn’t that the rom file in the zip? I uploaded it again as well as a screenshot. (44.5 KB)

Just tried it with the another card which has the same model number but apparently has another chip on it and I get the same error. Files attached.

>nvflash64.exe GF119_updGOP.rom
NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.560.0)
Copyright (C) 1993-2019, NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.

Checking for matches between display adapter(s) and image(s)…
Adapter: GeForce GT 520 (10DE,1040,1043,83A0) H:–:NRM S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00

EEPROM ID (C2,2010) : MX MX25L512 2.7-3.6V 512Kx1S, page
Current - Version:75.19.1B.00.01 ID:10DE:1040:1043:83A0
GF119 Board - 13100001 (Normal Board)
Replace with - Version:75.19.1B.00.01 ID:10DE:1040:1043:83A0
GF119 Board - 13100001 (Normal Board)
Update display adapter firmware?
Press ‘y’ to confirm (any other key to abort):
EEPROM ID (C2,2010) : MX MX25L512 2.7-3.6V 512Kx1S, page
Nothing changed!

ERROR: Cannot program a non-page boundary or invalid range for EEPROM.

************************* GOPupd

Update EFI GOP

Drop VBIOS file on this .bat

File Not Found
Using python from C:\Users\31653\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37-32\python.exe
Dumping info from = GF119.rom

ID of ROM file = 10DE-1040
No EFI ROM found!
No EFI ROM found or error on decompression !!!

Extracting with Python…


Processing with Python…
GOP is not present!!!

Do you want to update GOP to latest available? Y for yes or N for no: y
Warning! GOP type missing! Continue only if you know what you are doing!
Product name = GF119 Board. This might (!!) be used to determine your GPU architecture.

Do you still want to update GOP? Select the number of your GPU architecture:

1 = GT21x
2 = GF10x
3 = GF119
4 = GK1xx
5 = GM1xx
6 = GM2xx
7 = GP1xx
8 = GV1xx
9 = TU1xx
10 = GK1xx_MXM
11 = GM1xx_MXM

Enter choice: 3
Fixing last-image-bit in PCI Structure of Legacy ROM!
Using last byte for checksum!
EFI is last image.
Fixing ID, last-image-bit and checksum for EFI image.

File “GF119_updGOP.rom” with updated GOP 0x10030 was written!


Press any key to exit…

GF119_gpuz_screen.gif (44.1 KB) (107 KB)

You don’t need to copy/paste all that info here. All you wrote above is normal procedure messages and normal errors anyone would get when trying to flash in an incorrect BIOS size.
I don’t know if that was GPU-z vBIOS dump, that’s why I asked you to send, in case it wasn’t (Seemed like an odd/incorrect size is what made me ask)

Obviously this isn’t going to work for you unless you replace the 64kb chip with a 128KB chip. Unless someone has special method and tiny GOP image for NVIDIA.

A special method would be nice :-). Anyone?

If I want to replace it, can I just buy a new chip on alibay and solder it on and then run the nvflash program or does it need special programming? Which chip would I need to buy?


Find a commonly used on graphic cards 128KB size one and then yes replace, nothing special would need done but you would either need a flash programmer or secondary card to use so you can reflash the BIOS onto this one

You should check EEPROM has enough size on graphic card

I just wanted to thank for this great thread. I was brave enough to update the GOP for my old Asus R9 380 Strix which wasn´t able to boot in proper GOP mode due some incompatabilities with my AMD system. The PC kept beeping and wouldn´t show a screen unless CSM was enabled. I´ve contacted ASUS but they were only referring to their website with an old VGA Bios from 2015. Since I had nothing to loose I used the GOP updater and guess what? It was super easy, flashed like a charme and now it works as it was supposed to. Thank you so much guys for this interesting read.

Dumping info from = ASRock_RadeonVII_08-2019.rom

ID of ROM file = 1002-66AF

Extracting with UEFIRomExtract by AndyV

Found compressed EFI ROM start at 0x50
Input size: 43440, Output size: 72992, Scratch size: 13360


Extracting with GOPupd…

AMD GOP LibBuild ---- Dated: Dec 5 2018 17:13:17

AMD_Build 2125 AMD_ChangeList 1716681 GOP BIOS_IDTF 0xDEADBEEF

Most likely signed by: Microsoft Corporation UEFI CA 2011

Machine Code = x64

Checksum CRC32 = 78E4D7AB

Note: The GOP file is not present in my database.

You can help me by reporting it.


Processing with GOPupd…

You have a newer version! Please report it in the forum!


attached you will find the found GOP files. (85 KB)


Maybe you’ve forgotten my previous post

AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY) (50)

[Discussion] UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions (18)

There seems to be a new VBIOS file here, so please help me confirm it, thank you :slight_smile:

Here is new GOP Updater v1.9.6.5.c with latest AMD GOP for VEGA/RadeonVII and older cards.

GOP_Updater_v1.9.6.5_c.rar (5.42 MB)