AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

I havnt updated in a while and have forgot
is this normal or not on my vega64


Do you want to update GOP to Y for yes or N for no: y

Fixing ID for EFI image. No checksum correction is needed.

Removing unnecessary end padding.

Data after ROM and not part of EFI! Please report it!

Recovering extra data at the same offset 0x20000.

File "Vega 10c_updGOP.rom" with updated GOP was written!


Vega 10c_updGOP.rom is the updated VBIOS.
Vega 10c.rom is VBIOS before update.

i was refering to

Data after ROM and not part of EFI! Please report it!

Recovering extra data at the same offset 0x20000.

offset 0x20000 is an EFI correction. The last updated ROM should be OK.

I’m having issues adding GOP to my GTX 580 Classified Ultra, starting ROM size is 81KB, after GOP added it’s 145KB. NVflash spits out a “ROM Image too large for EEPROM.” error.

This means that the physical bios in your gtx580 is so small that it can not take a bigger bios image like the 145kb one.

While I understand that, is there anyway to get the bios size under 128kb?

This GTX 580 graphics card does not support UEFI

I’ve seen people add UEFI support to the GTX 580 and 570. (and older)

Some brands support UEFI, some brands don’t support it. After 2015, the graphics cards basically support UEFI.

Basically gtx580 support uefi but in this card you cant do anything because it has small bios chip.

Easily solved, solder in larger chip

How to solve the BIOS offset? Just update GOP and flash it in?

@thinking - sorry, I don’t know what you are asking about. I read up, but only see you mention offset 20000 readout during updating etc. (Sounds normal to me)
I am not a pro at vBIOS, so best you rely on other more knowledgeable people in this area if you have a specific vBIOS question.

Sorry, I don’t express professionally. I mean, I might have 128KB BIOS file, but now I have replaced the chip with 1M capacity. Can I directly flash the 128KB BIOS file in 1M chip , and do I need to modify the 128KB BIOS file to 1M size file?

@thinking - Ohh yes, you can do that Rest of chip will already be blank (FF) , so no need to expand file, but you can if you want (Fill with FF to 1MB hex 1024kb/100000h)
Unless chip was used before, if this is case, then erase chip in full before flashing in vBIOS, or make vBIOS 100000h with all FF padding after actual vBIOS ends

@lordkag Your tool told me to so… here ya go. Don’t know how helpful this actually is though.

1583558415.png (335 KB)

thats new to me; the GTX580 has an GF110 Chip; but this Chip is not included in the list of the GOPUpd_v1.9.6.5.rar file

only GF10x & GF119 mentioned

i would like to try a GTX580 with VFIO passthrough; by this setup you can add your own bios file to libvirt and so there is no size limit anymore

if true/patchable GOP i will get a dump of my card

Hello everyone how to update Gop drive vga vega 64 bios? updata AMD GOP 2.9 please for…8192.180110.rom

@forzic17 - I didn’t see your request here until now but, I almost moved your other request into this thread
Anyway, I posted mod vBIOS for you here, where I first saw your request - MSI Z390 MEG ACE BIOS REQUEST (3)