AMD and Nvidia GOP update (No requests, DIY)

Hi friend, how do I add uefi in the bios of my saphire radeon hd6570? Can you help me please?

Hello @eightb1ts,

Have you tried with HDMI?
Google searches demonstrate this is a common issue. I’m not currently aware of a solution to get all ports active at post. Only the HDMI port will provide output at POST on this XFX card. Nadda on DP or DVI until Windows loads up.

Small clarification: The above is true when having multiple monitors attached. Solo monitor seems to work fine on other outputs than HDMI.

Hi guys, I have Biostar RX550 4GB Lexa core GPU.

Dumping info from = Biostar.Gaming.Radeon.RX550.4GB.Lexa.core.from.the.card.rom

AMDVBFLASH version 3.31 EXTERNAL, Copyright (c) 2021 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.

Image 1 -- Offset 0x0
  ROM header contents:
    Signature              0xAA55
    PCIR offset            0x0238
  PCI Data Structure
    Signature              PCIR
    Vendor ID              0x1002
    Device ID              0x699F
    PCI Revision           0x00
    Image size             0xE600
    Code revision          0x0F32
    Indicator              0x00   (Not last image)
    Code type              0x00   (PCAT Image)
  Legacy BIOS File Name    5548ELPB.BIN
  Legacy BIOS Part Number  xxx-xxx-xxx
  Legacy BIOS Build Number 527717
  Legacy BIOS Change List  2158670
  Binary BIOS_IDTF         0x7A5BC1AE
  ByteCheckSum             0
Image 2 -- Offset 0xE600
  ROM header contents:
    Signature              0xAA55
    PCIR offset            0x001C
  PCI Data Structure
    Signature              PCIR
    Vendor ID              0x1002
    Device ID              0x699F
    PCI Revision           0x00
    Image size             0xE600
    Code revision          0x0000
    Indicator              0x80   (last image)
    Code type              0x03   (EFI Image)
    EFI Signature          0x0EF1
    Compression Type       0x0001 (compressed)
    Machine type           0x8664 (X64)
    Subsystem              0x000B (EFI boot service driver)
    EFI image offset       0x0058 (abs: 0xE658)
    UefiSourceRevision     GOP AMD REV: x.x.x.x.x
    UefiSourceChangeList   xxxx
    UefiBiosBuildNumber    xxxx

  Dump Gop Driver Info:
    Machine type code      X64
    The GOP Driver appears to be Authenticode signed.
    Size Of Gop Image      97856 (95 KB)
    GOP Driver Name: AMD GOP X64 Release Driver Rev. 13 2020.23:42:33
    GOP AMD_Build          3457
    GOP AMD_CL             2143793
    GOP Driver does not carry tables!

Everything works fine when monitor is connected to the gpu. However, if I connect tv, gop does not initialize the gpu. How can I patch the gop to fix the problem?

This is no tool or thread to find/patch any code of the GOP.
Do you know anything or what it needs to be patched on the code of the GOP driver???
This is a tool for replace the GOP driver in the EFI image of the GPU vBios image…that’s it.

Users with POLARIS cards and issues are getting more stability with older Magic GOP, read back a few posts.
Other options are through a generic vbios update and/or GOP on top, alternative to the Biostar vbios.

Thank you, got it. How safe is to replace a gop from one vendor to a gop from another? I would suppose, there is nothing hardware specific in the gop code itself so it should be safe, but I’m not sure. Do you know an amd card that works properly with the tv attached?
Meanwhile I’ll try that older Magic GOP.

You’re confusing GOP vendor driver (AMD or NVidia) with vbios vendor/retail brand.

Im sure that AMD would be very annoyed if none of their cards work with a TV attached, dont you think…lol :crazy_face:


I tried Magic GOP, it does not work with my tv.
I think I’m not confusing with vendor driver and vendor brand. As far as 2 out of 2 amd cards I have (rx550 4G and rx570 8G ) don’t work with my tv, I have a reason to ask if any of amd cards work properly with tv as a bootup device and also this is the reason why I would try to use nvidia gop in amd vbios if possible.
On the other hand side, amd system driver can detect and work properly with my tv, so I conclude that the fact that gop can’t detect my tv at bootup is gop problem and not a gpu hardware or tv model problems.
There is a small chance that there is some specific features of my tv which is LG oled48c11lb that block it from proper detection by gop. May be somebody knows some magic settings in m/b bios or tv to make it work?

both of your cards could use latest non magic gop (1.70), and set your bios to csm disabled to make sure that pure UEFI environment is used.

Yes, both cards are using 1.70 gop and csm is disabled in bios

Finally I’ve got it working with my tv. Ther problem was deep color in tv hdmi settings. It was set to “optimize for 4k”. I set it to “off” and now gop detects the tv.

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I am here bc I wanted to use Resizable bar with MSI RX 580 Armor OC, and disableing the CSM in BIOS causes errors with my Display Port. Another 580 user found out, after updateing GOP the issue gone.

I followed this guide:

but after extracting my BIOS with GPU-Z, I got the following error:

I check with the provided AMD_ROM_Info the files, and they appears to be the exact same.

Also I get one from here:

The last, 2019 one, and did the same with it, to get the same error.

Not sure what I should do now?

Thank you all for any help!

Ignore the error, if it fails is not because of this.
Or did the 2019 one failed to you after flash?..

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figure out why I got this error. It happening with the extracted version and the downloaded 2019 version too. Seems like there is extra data, but it was successful anyway, but I want to be sure, before I do anything.

Hello. I need help or a hint.
I have a video card (for motherboard tests) Dell R7-250 2GB gddr3. The stock bios allowed to boot with CSM=disabled. The utility has successfully updated GOP to version And everything works.
But here’s the problem. If I try to change the cooler settings or any frequency in the videobios, the GOP stops working! The motherboard beeps at startup and the image appears only when the Windows driver is loaded.
For BIOS modification I use VBE7.0.0.7b and after it “HD7XX UEFI Patch Tool Beta”.
It seems that the GOP finds out that I made changes and stops working. The checksum at address 0x21 is changed in such a way that the CRC in amdvbflash is the same for the files before and after the change.
The question is how to change the cooler parameters in the BIOS so that the GOP continues to work?

This is an very know old issue and you can see it and you know it, the warning right after opening it with VBE so…the UEFI Patch tool cant really do nothing to it besides its claims… and this an GCN1.0 R7 not HD7xxx besides the rebranded versions they came from them. Im not aware of any simple tool to correct this…even worst with latest AMD GOPs, simply because the GOP signature is getting bricked, so this is the main issue here.
Try to get in those “rich” elite guys forums… seems they call themselves “miners”… i prefer another term…but its only me, they may have the miracle answer to you, even so i do believe they do not care about GOPs or UEFI mode… only themselves.

Sorry but i dont have a better anwser to you, wait for other users opinions, good luck.

if u mod a bios, use magic gop 1.69, it is in this topic, just try that one.

Your advice wouldn’t help me as I didn’t know how to get the GOP-updater to use magic GOP at all.
And all I had to do was to type “yp” instead of “y” in the GOP-updater in order to apply the patched GOP. Now it works with version, my mod bios & CSM=disabled. Hooray.
It’s a pity that I had to spend a lot of time reading everything from the very beginning to understand such a simple nuance.

You are completely wrong, as it turns out. You didn’t read the whole thread, did you? Everything works using VBE, “HD7XX UEFI Patch Tool Beta” for R7-250 graphics card. All I had to do was tell to GOP-updater to apply the patched “magic” GOP.

Yes my friend the MGOP is the solution as it exists now…before that, you been stuck like i said and i didnt mentioned MGOP because my brains cant remember all…cheers, all the best.

A post was merged into an existing topic: GOP Update and Extraction Tool (NVIDIA Only)