Ami Aptio 5 bios dump, change to default values

Post bios

bios dump added.

You should be a 100% sure that this dump is a correct dump! Did you read it more than once an compared results and they were identical?

Work on a copy of your original dump!

Open bios in UEFItoolNE:


Goto NVRAM, expand, see StdDefaults in the beginning and GUID store in the end, leave the untouched!



Use HxD, delete everything between 770368h and 787EC0h, fill with FF. GUID store should still start at 787EC0h, Padding should still start at 788000h

But there’s a flaw: GUID store is partly in padding and only last line is in GUID store. But it worked here, too:
Help needed please with Utech UT-W800 Atom Windows 10 tablet corrupted BIOS/NV Ram

Maybe I’ll see into that a little later…

Hello lfb6,

thank you for your assistance,

I’m NOT 100% sure about correct dump. I will make new dump according to your guidance (3 dumps and then I’ll check hash values if they are equal.) Than I’ll fix values between 770368h and 787EC0h with FF using HxD and check the correct start of GUID store at 787EC0h and padding at 788000h with UEFItool.

I believe about the flaw in BIOS, because missing reset switch is Mobo design flaw too, all this Intel Atom Windows 10 tablets without reset button are crapy and should be prohibited by law. :slight_smile:

I will post back with results tomorrow, but I’m quite confident about your solution.


Hello lfb6,

Ii’s working, BIOS was reset to stdDefaults, USB is working now. thank you for your help.


Good to hear! Thanks for the feedback

I thought the GUID store would be static, contaning a defined list of GUIDs, but that seems to be wrong.

Seems the correct way is that it’s built bottom up and the position of the last line defines the end of the store. Would mean one should possibly change the procedure from

Use HxD, delete everything between 770368h and 787EC0h, fill with FF. GUID store should still start at 787EC0h, Padding should still start at 788000h to

Use HxD, delete everything between 770368h and 787FEFh, fill with FF. GUID store should still end at 787FFFh, Padding should still start at 788000h

Result should look like this, only difference is that the empty space between NVRAM entries and GUID store now really is empty…


Hello, @lfb6

My Unowhy Y13 (Intel® Celeron N3450 - 4 cores (1,1 GHz up to 2,2 Ghz), 4 Go memory, 64 Go SSD) refuses to post since I modified 2 settings in BIOS :

  • OS Selection which I changed from “Windows” to “Linux” - as I wanted to install Linux
  • USB Support which I changed from “Partial initial” to “Full Initial”

After reading this thread which had a similar issue and a solution I:

  • Bought a ch341a programmer
  • Dumped, with said programmer and flashrom (under Linux), the Bios from the (Gigadevice 25LB64CVIG) bios chip twice and checked both dumps had the same md5 checksum :slight_smile:
  • Opened a copy of the dump with “UEFItool NE” to look for NVRAM, StdDefaults and GUID Store in the hope of applying the fix from the other thread…

Unfortunately they seem to be in a compressed section so I’m not able to figure out adresses and what to do…

I can upload the dumped bios as soon as the forum lets me do so :-).

Thanks in advance for any help !

P.S. Mother board is EM_IG116_336B_V2.0

Many bios regions do have a copy of the NVAR/defaults in the DXE driver section.

You should find the NVAR volume(s) ‘in use’ possibly in the beginning of the bios region. (Celeron N3450??- If Intel ME is TXE type you might have to decompose the firmware)

If you can’t attach your firmware here, there’s lots of free providers.

Here is the a google drive link to the bios dump nopost.bios.flashrom.bin - Google Drive

Yes, that’s unfortunately TXE. Bios region and Intel ME are interewaved.

Learn to disassemble your firmware according to:

After having decomposed the firmware you’ll find the bios region in a decomp subfolder.

You might search for the GUID of NVRAM for example in the decomposed bios region and try to find the correponding areas in your dump and make the changes there.

Here is the extracted BIOS Region.bin.

So If I understand correctly I should

  1. Erase (replace by FF everything after MfgDefaults and until before last line of GUID-Store i.e. from 495118h(=4948D4h+844h) to 4B3FEFh (=4B3DC0h+240h-1h-Fh)
  2. Rebuild outimage.bin with FIT with modified BIOS Region.bin
  3. Restore the original OEM-signed SMIP module in outimage.bin
  4. Flash outimage.bin to the chip
  5. Try to boot and report back

Yes, that seems to be correct (I don’t remember the single steps for the rebuild process- since you mention reinserting the OEM signing module separately) :+1:

There might be a shortcut though: The NVRAM is built into the TXE structure unchanged, just not recognizable for UEFIToolNE.
You might search for the corresponding byte sequences you found in the bios region in the complete dump and do the FF-fill operation there. In theory the result should be the same, since this area isn’t changed and doesn’t affect signing.

You have by the way two default folders (Std, Mfg), but they do have the same guid, so it will still be just one single line in the guid store in the end of the volume.

Thanks for the shortcut ! I hadn’t understood what you meant initialy.

Here are screenshots that illustrate the fixing :slight_smile:

Identify start address : 001FF118h

Identify end adress : 0021DFEFh

Double check that 0021DFEFh-001FF118h=1EED7h=4B3FEFh-495118h → Yes it does all is good

So then select block and remplace with FF

Yes, that does look OK!

Now have to solder the chip back to test (wouldn’t read with the clip when still soldered on the board :frowning: ). That requires a friend as I’m not good at it… so feedback when he can do it !