AMI INTEL CPU Microcode Update Guide

Yes its simple enough to rip the microcodes from bios 1804 and place them in 3805. As far as if there are newer microcodes I am not sure.

Basically my plan is to use this cpu in this motherboard together forever. :slight_smile: So itā€™s not a problem, if any other microcode will miss.

Well according the microcode repository there is a 506E0 ver 18 Microcode available though the platform is 22. So as long as your platform is 22 which is easy to find out your good to go.

@DCarlos ,

I looked at your original 1804 bios and could not find 506 E0 MC in there at all as I only found 506-E3 + E8. So I assume that Windows has slipstreamed in your 506E0 microcode in your OS. In anycase I have update your 3805 bios to include 506-E0 Microcode patch revision #18 as it originally only had 506 - E3, E8, + E9 microcodes.

Iā€™ve converted the cap file to rom with uefitool due to afudos can flash just rom extension. After successful flashing restarted the pc, and it gives no picture anymore. :frowning: Doesnā€™t display anything, even a single pixel. Tried both motherboard and vga hdmi, but no luck. Any suggestions from now?

@DCarlos ,

I am very sorry to hear that there is no picture. Have you tried a cmos reset? Pulling the battery? Remove unneccasry peripherals?

@DCarlos ,

Also what version of Eufitool did you use?

I used for convert. Tried to move off the battery for 20 mins, and reseting cmos jumper. The motherboard has a function to put a pendrive with a proper bios file and itā€™s checks if it can reflash if theres a bios failure, but itā€™s also doesnā€™t work. Iā€™ll bring back the motherboard to the store, i hope they will change it the a new oneā€¦
The only strange thing, that the afudos flashing process was done successfully, than after restarting its dead. :frowning:

And yes iā€™ve pulled of everything one by one; i even took of the hdd, vga and connect the hdmi to the board, but nothing.

You can save board yourself with CH341A flash programmer, theyā€™re cheap usually only $2.50-$4 - Choose ā€œBlueā€ model, and if $$ is no issue, get black one below too, itā€™s cheaper than ordering same one from this seller. Or get both from same seller, add blue to cart, go back and add black from same seller, then checkout.

Thank you very much, iā€™ll give it a try!

I have the black CH341A programmer and it saved me once from a bad flash and its an invaluable tool to have. There was some talk about the Ch341a slightly over volting though I never experienced adverse effects.
You could also get a reprogrammed chip on ebay as well.

Anyhow would like to apologize if my modification caused any harm but I really didnā€™t do much except add the additional MC like I have done for myself numerous times. Wonder if the new microcode conflicted with the ES cpu.

Good luckā€¦

@DCarlos - Once you have programmer and know how to fix it, we can make another updated BIOS for you to try. This stuff happens, itā€™s the nature of the game we play with our boards

I try to always advise to have programmer in advance, because even if BIOS mod looks fine on our end in many applications after we edit it, still could fail on other end when trying to flash. Often thatā€™s a failure to flash in, but sometimes it goes and is bad when we canā€™t notice it by checking.

Thank you guys! I realize i still have warranty on the board, so tomorrow iā€™ll bring it back to the shop if they give a new, i good to go, if not, iā€™ll order a programmer. :slight_smile:

Just wanted to share my experience modding my old B85M Msi board that I use in an HTPC. This board is equiped with an Intel dual core Haswell cpu that I was overclocking. Basically I wanted to update the microcodes and not have to reinstall the ME firmware updates so I first pulled a bios dump using ā€˜FPTW64 -d dump.binā€™. Next I load up bios dump in both Ubutool and Uefitool NE, and compare it against the factory release bios matching the installed version. Looking in Uefitool there were a number of errors in the logs like ā€˜Invalid Dos format Pe32ā€™ type errors and to make matters worse the FIT table data was missing showing that there were only three microcodes installed where as the original factory bios file had four microcodes installed with a valid FIT table showing in Uefitool. Obviously the last time that bios was modded errors were introduced. As it turned out those invalid dos pe32 errors came from the factory as well.

So I wanted to fix my bios dump. That was easy. I just extracted the original factory microcode file body by using Uefitool to ā€˜Save as Bodyā€™. Its also easy to find that MC file by double clicking the microcode entry in the details panel and it takes you right there. Then you have to replace body of the old microcodes in the dump. After you have to load the whole bios file in a hex editor and copy paste the FIT table data in a hex editor from the otiginal file to the dumped file after searching for ā€˜FITā€™. I think its the eight byte that details how many entries you have. That has to be incremented to match the number of microcode entries. From there I searched for the cpuid matching my cpu in the microcode repository and download the newer revision in a hex editor and copy the whole block in a hex editor, and copy paste insert it over the old microcode 306-C3 in my case within my extracted master microcode file taking note of the size discrepancy making corrections to the FIT table for each microcode.

After that I open my fixed dump file in Uefitool NE and Ubu just to make sure it looks good updating any other module in Ubu like raid, lan, and gop. Amazing that I was able to boot properly all this time with the FIT table being incorrect. Even more interesting that after flashing my bios was still using an old microcode revision and not the new one! Had to do a cmos reset for it to take but after turning on overclocking I was back to an older microcode! What the hell!

Best guess was because my bios contained two microcodes for 306C3 revision 25 and 99 my best guess was that on MSi boards the bios loads an older overclocking only microcode revios 19 wrapped inside revision 99 because Intel banned overclocking and would no longer release a newer revision that would allow you to overclock on a non-K cpu or a non-Z board. Question I have is that version 99 microcode even necessary? Curious what would happen if I remove it and if I can still overclock. Will have to experiment further.


You are fine to remove old version and have only new if the new one is the one you want to use.


Yeah but the question is will you still be able to overclock if you remove version 99 ??

I assumed you knew already, since you mentioned it. I do not know, someone else would have to reply about that, from what I know on non-K type overclocking only a certain microcode revision is needed and usually some older ME version too.

There would not be microcodes wrapped into other microcodes, only single versions. If 19 or 25 is needed for your overclock, then you will need to leave them there and no need to put in 99. If 99 is needed, then no need to leave in 19 or 25 etc.
You only need one for your CPU, which is up to you, and you can test each one individually in separate test BIOS files if you want. Leave ME same for that test, in case ME matters in what youā€™re doing too.

All I know is motherboard manufacturers will add a revision 99 for ā€˜specialā€™ circumstances. Not sure if you can overclock or not without it. I will have to check my last dump if the three out of four microcodes that were in there contain version 99. If its missing I would assume its not essential to have as I was overclocking. Fwiw version 19 wasnt even included in my mod. I went as far as searching for it using hex code fron version 19 microcode. Not only that I noticed my bios posted in the setup program it was running version 7 for one time right after I had flashed. That went away and now I either have version 25 which I put in there myself and version 99. Uefitool NE verifies this. So I have no idea where version 19 is coming fromā€¦


You can extract easy all versions with MC Extractor. Drop BIOS on it, then go into the extracted/Intel folder and you will then have a copy of all microcodes that are included in whatever BIOS.
Delete or move those to some folder, then do for another BIOS, to compare whatā€™s included in each.