AMISDE; I need help finding this tool

The AMISDE tool is needed to allow using raw extraction mode in AMISCE to pull and modify all variables, not just those tagged as setup variables, from the NVRAM.

This tool seems to be extremely elusive and I am hoping someone here can give me a little direction to help find it.

Thanks in advance for helping me continue to chase my white whale in this bios :wink:

Making an update post to this thread. I have been searching high and low for this tool and have had no fortune. Whether on obscure sites or foreign torrents the best I can find is the collection of more familiar AMI tools such as AMISCE, MMTool, and the like.

I am now starting to question whether AMISDE has ever made it to the outside world. If it has I suspect it is on a Chinese/Taiwanese site somewhere which I have no good idea how to search.

In the interim I decided to check out UEFI-Editor in hopes that it would be capable of finding non-setup tagged variables in the UEFI, as AMISDE can do, but alas it seems limited to only setup variables rendering it incapable of fulfilling my needs.

Thus, as Ahab, I am still on the hunt and if anyone has seen this tool in the wild or has some ideas about how to best search the paths less traveled (at least by Westerners) to find this tool please let me know :slight_smile:

Are you looking to modify a specific variable? Or just any variable in general?

I am looking to be able to change all variables though I do have my sights set on the PCIe subsystem as a first area to tweak. There are a number of variables I can see called out in plain text when I look at the hex of the associated UEFI module.

You should better ask the manufacturer of the tool. >Here< is the link.
Some AMI tools are neither designed nor available for customers and according to my own experiences the Company AMI Megatrends monitors the internet regarding the illegal distribution of these tools.

I appreciate your reply Fernando; I am aware that AMI seems to think that those who buy products using their UEFI should not be able to change the settings the board partners carelessly bake into it.

It is surprising I have not seen more people looking for such capability as this tool offers since basically anything serious with at least the PCI subsystem seems to be completely off limits to all the other tools I have seen on this forum. Anything not listed as a setup variable is just completely inaccessible without this tool it seems.

I don’t suspect that AMI would be receptive and I am aware that they monitor Western sites for such tool access thus what I am looking for isn’t a link per se but guidance of how to successfully search for software which almost surely exists yet is far off the beaten path.

I doubt AMI has much pull with the Russians or the Chinese but I lack a good understanding of how to find and search such foreign repositories :slight_smile:

This is a Support Forum, which is available for everyone, but has to comply with the existing laws.
If you are searching for a tool, which can only be used legally by the mainboard manufacturers (they have to pay for it!), you cannot expect any help here.