[ARCHIVE] Outdated UBU Tool related Questions, Reports and Suggestions

@ parsec
Cut to only the first 4 kilobytes at the beginning.
I’m attaching a file, you just modified.

Z87 Extreme6(2.10)ROM.zip (5.12 MB)

I do not have the knowledge to understand why there is two 17088572-… modules.
With all my BIOS mods for Gigabyte at TTforum since few weeks i’m using 3 differents .ffs packages with lastest µcode for X79, Z68/Z77 & Z87. Then I simply replace the first 17088572 module in Volume01 with my µcode package and I delete the second one in Volume02, and it works perfectly (FOR GIGABYTE ONLY ! I DON’T TRY WITH OTHER BRAND > RISKY !).
Also your fantastic tool just contains 3 microcodes : 206A729/919 and 306C317. Why not provide a full set of all the latest µcode ?
Zip attached with packages i’m using :
Z87 : 326C113, 326C206 and 326C317
Z77 : 126C107, 126C208, 126C226, 126A308, 126A407, 126A507, 126A604, 126A628, 126A728, 126A810 and 126A919 (i’m using 728 because users report lower OC with 729)
X79 : 6F6D20A, 0F6D302, 6D6D513, 6D6D619, 6D6D710, 076D103, ED6E008, ED6E20D, ED6E308 and ED6E416

microcode_package.zip (295 KB)

This file, or removing the first 4K from the modded file (actually 0 to FFF, not FF0) works fine, thank you for that! I was able to update the RST OROMs fine on my ASRock Z87 board, and can verify the versions are being used.

I use a UEFI booting Windows 8 installation, and this board’s UEFI provides the RST RAID UI/OROM as an option in the UEFI itself when in RAID mode. That option displays the RST OROM, which was 12.5, and is now

The UBU package is a great BIOS/UEFI modding learning tool, great job guys, thanks!!

@ VirtualFred
In Russian it would be easier. So I’ll tell you later. Will deal only with the correct English translation.

Same problem for me : I can’t understand a word of Russian :wink: … and Google Translation make soup :frowning:

Maybe a screenshot will be easier to understand, an example with GA-Z77X-UD5H BIOS F16 : Original vs modified microcode
Only tested with Gigabyte Dual-Bios

I understood you. Just think how to answer, to make it clear. :slight_smile:
Ok. Let us with examples.
GA-Z77X-UD5H I only found the BIOS F15q
Vol Ind
01 01 -> replace. Ok.
02:01:00 03 -> Delete "empty" module. Why??
03 02 ???


Ok. I’ll add the menu update processor microde
"2 - Update CPU MicroCode 28 Sandy 6A7 for OC / 19 Ivy 6A9"

Why add the microcode from engineering CPU? They are not in the public domain.

For the X79 can not yet Add. Since we cannot find that catch, to correctly determine whether the BIOS for the X79.

GA-Z77X-UD5H F16
I do not have your knowledge, I’m just sharing what I’ve tried with many Gigabyte boards, probably it’s useless for you.
01 01 > Lot of space in this volume, put microcode only here is enough for Gigabyte motherboards (I don’t know for other brands).
02 01 > Why keeping this one ? lol (Deleted cause it’s useless and gives extra space), i don’t understand why they put 2 µcode modules ?
03 02 > ? Nothing, unchanged.

Zitat von SoniX im Beitrag #160

Ok. I’ll add the menu update processor microde
"2 - Update CPU MicroCode 28 Sandy 6A7 for OC / 19 Ivy 6A9"

Thanks for Sandy overclockers :slight_smile:

Because i didn’t know they are only for ES CPU ! Gigabyte insert them (or older) in all public BIOS.
Maybe sometime overclockers may use ES CPU, and overclockers are frequently searching modified BIOS :).

What’s the difference in X79 ?

@ VirtualFred
We do not understand why this "empty" module. But based on the results of tests on different motherboards, delete "empty" module is not critical to the operation of the system. So delete "empty" module is strictly personal. :slight_smile:

Because i didn’t know they are only for ES CPU ! Gigabyte insert them (or older) in all public BIOS.
Maybe sometime overclockers may use ES CPU, and overclockers are frequently searching modified BIOS :slight_smile:

I don’t see a reason to adding the microcode engineering CPU. Because not all motherboards can support these CPUs. Let it be optional and individually at the request of the customer. :slight_smile:

We cannot identify a common pattern for X79, to display in menu, what BIOS is exactly X79.

thank u sonix but where is download link ?!

First post

Thanks for the new UBU version.
The start post has been updated as well.


older efi bios was easy to update ucode it was located raw format in uncompressed part of efi
origin of efi have one recovery/boot partition and main partition other parts are separated for various purposes (EC, microcode,logo,etc)

now I have a asus h87-plus and based on UEFI 2.3 microcode placed two microcode module and a empty module all of them are in separate partitions
in firmware there are two recovery/boot partitions and both them matching I think this is failsafe solution if one of them was corrupted other part will be triggered to recovery that’s why we need to place two microcodes patch twin
one of them will be recognized as bootblock by MMTool

As for empty module I think it’ only placed for reference module of firmware tree

maybe I missed some things will check later

thanks anyway UBU is great tool


I have a question about the microcode version that you have v17 for haswell but Released lastest microcode package contains v16 from intel
how can be possible

@ yaclo:

Welcome at Win-RAID Forum and thanks for your report.
Enjoy the Forum!


what Difference Between sandy bidge microcode 28 and microcode 29 ?

Thanks, SoniX!
The start post has been updated as well.

Now safe? Thanks!

Now safe? Thanks!

Yes. Checked several times.

As I understood the 28 better overclocking for SandyBridge CPU.

As I understood the 28 better overclocking for SandyBridge CPU.

Need less Vcore for same overclock.

installed new bios with UBU PR16.
write performance on Samsung 830 has improved significantly (not sure if is the new MSI BIOS or the new ROMs)