Are asus laptop bios' impossible to mod?

I myself have a tuf f15 11400h and 3060. The past few days i’ve been scrolling through this forum and I came to notice that almost no bios mod requests for asus laptop be it rog or tuf have replies.

Also the tuf series seem to have flash protected registers which in theory should be able to be bypassed using a flash programmer. I then came across many different posts saying that bootguard would prevent modified bios, there might be hardware fuses, cfg unlock reverts on boot etc

Now I am very confused, are these bios basically impossible to mod? Can someone throw some light on it?

Nearly all ASUS laptop BIOSes can be modified, but it may be a problem to get the modded BIOS properly flashed.

@Fernando Hey thank you for the reply, I do have a ch341a hardware programmer so shouldnt it bypass any software locks?

If I dump it with a programmer,im unsure where to proceed from there in relation to bootguard etc,any advice?

Your thread title question has been answered by me.
If you want to know how to use your programmer, you should look for such instructions within the Forum or start a new thread with a meaningful title.

@Fernando sorry, didnt phrase it right,what I meant was if I dump with a programmer,mod and flash it with the prigrammer instead of fpt ,it should overcome any diffuculties that people face when flashing an asus bios like you mentioned in you previous answer right?