Where/how did you modify the Virtual NVMe Controller and which "genreric" Intel driver did you use? Regards Dieter (alias Fernando)
As you can see from my screenshot, I am using bhyve hypervisor in FreeBSD 13.0 Current. The source code of bhyve, about nvme controller, is pci_nvme.c, you can get it from usr.sbin/bhyve/pci_nvme.c
You can set it to 0x8086, that is intel. and 0953, which is P3605, As result VEN_8086&DEV_0953. I think you can take any exists value from intel driver, which is IaNVMe.inf
Welcome to the Win-RAID Forum!
There is no need to use a generic NVMe driver, if you want to replace the in-use NVMe driver by another one. According to my own experience nearly all specific NVMe drivers, which do support the related OS, are installable and properly working with all NVMe Controllers, if the installation has been forced by using the “Have Disk” option. I have tested it very often with a lot of different officially not matching NVMe drivers. WHQL certified drivers will be shown within the Device Manager as being WHQL, although the specific NVMe Controller isn’t supported at all according its INF file. Really important is just the OS compatibility of the driver.
Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)
Thank yous!
Yes, this method of yours is effective. Currently, this method is used to switch the nvme driver.
I’ve solved the problem asked by @rohitg “I am having hard time making Windows 7 64bit work with NVMe drivers in VMWare Virtual Machine with an NVMe Virtual drive”.
I’m currently running Windows 7 64bit in a Virtual NVMe drive.
Unfortunately I don’t have the “Generic 64bit Intel RST NVMe driver v16.5.5.1040 for Win7-10” anymore, which had been modified and signed by me in 2018. I obviously deleted it, because I didn’t get any positive feedback from the user(s).
On the other hand I doubt, that you will find the best performing NVMe driver for Win7 among the Intel RST drivers.
According to my own benchmark comparison tests it were the Samsung, Micron and Phison NVMe drivers, which gave my system the best numbers. You can find the download links and the description of the drivers within the 2 start posts of >this< thread.