Asrock BIOS help

I’m trying to mod the bios of my motherboard ASRock P67 Extreme 4 Gen3 to create a hackintosh. I used AFUWINGUI v.3.05.02 to extract the rom file. it seemed to work but then when i went to use amibcp v3.46 it cant open the rom. Am I going about this the wrong way or using the wrong programs? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I attached the files that are directly from ASRocks website to install my current version of my BIOS. I’m not sure whether i should be going about it the way I just did or whether I should try to extract the bios from the updater included, edit it (somehow), and then recompile the updater to flash it.

P67 Extreme4 Gen3(2.20) (4.57 MB)

@sgnanashekar :
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

The easiest and safest way to open the UEFI BIOS of your P67 mainboard and to extract/reinsert specific modules is to use either the AMI Aptio4 MMTool or CodeRush’s UEFITool.
Don’t forget to remove the BIOS header before you are going to flash the modded BIOS (look >here<).

Good luck!
Dieter (alias Fernando)

Sorry for thread necro, but I spent about 2 hours tonight getting a pure ROM file for this motherboard so I figured I’d share it. I found this thread on google, searching for this model and ROM so perhaps it will help someone in the future. NOTE: It took about 2 minutes to get RAM timings or whatnot after first boot… be patient.

ASRock P67 Extreme4 Gen3 BIOS ROM V 2.10 (you can run the 2.20 updater just fine)
Files if someone could download and then attach so it’s permanent that’d be neat.

edit: I used a program called amiucp 1.07 if you want to just try it yourself should you have the program.