AsRock FM2A75 Pro4-M slipstream winxp32

Hello, i need drivers for my XP x32 for this motherboard.
Any additional info needed, i will provide it.

Currently im running W8.1x64 pro, but even W7sp1 x32/x64 cant see my hard/ssd drive, regardless if I use sata driver for w7 and load it from USB stick, still w7 cant see and drives.

@ kasko:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Please check the HardwareIDs of your active on-board SATA Controller by
a) running the Device Manager,
b) opening the "IDE ATA/ATAPI Controllers" and - if applicable - the "Storage Controllers" section,
c) doing a right click onto all listed SATA Controllers and then
d( choosing the options "Properties" > "Details" > "Property" > "HardwareIDs".
Once I know the HardwareIDs, I can tell you, which Win7 resp. XP AHCI or RAID driver you need for the detection of the SATA connectes drives.



Here you go, and many thanks for a really quick reply!

I need (if you can do it) XP sp3 32bit and W7 sp1 x64bit drivers for slipstreaming !

@ kasko:
Thanks for the HardwareIDs, which verify, that your system drive is connected with an AMD SATA Controller, which is running in AHCI mode:

Here are the links to the appropriate F6 drivers, which are needed for the XP resp. Windows 7 installation:

Good luck!

Thank you, i will try them and report back!

Sorry for double posting.

It worked like a charm with my tinyXp32. Thank you.
Will setup now dualboot or maybe even triple boot with W7sp1_x32 and W8.1x64.

Yes, if you install the Operating Systems in the correct order (XP > Win7 > Win8).

Yes, if you install the Operating Systems in the correct order (XP > Win7 > Win8).

That was the original idea, dunno if my 120gb ssd will be enough.
I simply love XP, and it is a HECK faster then w8, actually w8 seems slower then XP and W7…

Do i have to slipstream sata driver for W7 sp1 32bit because after i load the driver it says that no compatible hardware was found.

That is not easy to understand, because the DeviceID of your AMD SATA Controller is listed within the INF file as being supported.
Usually the AMD AHCI Controller should be supported by the Win7 in-box MSAHCI driver as well.
Slipstreaming of the AMD AHCI driver will probably not help, whe the Controller has not been detected by loading the driver at the beginning of the OS installation. Futhermore the driver has to be slipstreamed not only into the install.wim, but into the boot.wim as well.

This dvd has integrated sata drivers until May 2014 and all available updates, maybe there is some incompatibility ?

When i click browse for drivers i can see my HDD and SSD drive ?!

You certainly mean "drives" and not "drivers".
So if the Win7 Setup detects your HDD resp. SSD, where you want to get the OS installed, you don’t need to integrate or load any third party SATA driver.

First i have this…0605_091203.jpg

And after “browse” and selecting your w7 driver i got this:…0605_091244.jpg

From which drive (Optical drive/USB Flash Drive) are you trying to install Win7?
It seems, that the port, from which you actually are booting, is the problem (USB3 port?).
My tip: Change the port you are using to get Win7 installed.

Oh man, yeah im using USB 3.0 stick along into USB 3.0 port.

Will try to change to usb 2.0 port and report back tonight !

It works like a charm, now i need to setup my stick for w8.1x64 installation and then il have triple boot, MANY THANKS !

Thanks for your feedback!
It is fine, that everything worked at least.
Enyoy your triple boot system!