Hi all. how can I change bios Logo in ASUS P8P67 ? wich GUID Number in MMTOOL is for BIOS LOGO ?

All such questions can be generally answered using UEFITool.
Open your BIOS image, press Ctrl+F and search for "JFIF" ASCII text to find JPEG images, "BM" for BMPs or "GIF8" for GIFs. Doubleclick on "ASCII text found in…" string in Messages to scroll the tree to the file, which contains this pattern. Then you can "Extract body…" (press RMB on the object to bring up context menu) of that object, which will be either a single image, or a set of images stored in one file. You can also use "Replace body…" to replace the image and then press Ctrl+S to save modified image. All checksums will be corrected automatically.

@ ErfanDL:

You can find the download link to the actual version of the "UEFITool" >here<.