Asus Chromebook c436: to flash bios

Hello everyone,

I am very pleased to join the community. I would like actually to address a pertinent issue to flashing bios for Asus Chromebook C436. my questions are as follows:

  1. Could you please help me to locate the bios on the motherboard? It seems very hard for me.
  2. Could you please let me know if This Bios flash programmer is enough? CH341A :
  3. in order to flash the bios, Would i need some special connectors? or what is in the set is already enough?
    Thank you very much for your time and consideration. I have been for many months trying to find out how to do it. I am a newbie, but I am learning everyday new things. so I think with your help I could get it done! I will follow up with pictures soon of the motherboard

Thank you once again,

Provide high res photos of the motherboard, printed IDs etc…
Page product
What is the source of that file for flashing.

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Thank you for your response! The product page is here

Please find attached:

I think this is the bios chip, right? It is super small maybe 1cm x1cm
I will upload more

Yes, its WSON-8, surface soldered…now where is a nice adapter for cliping the WSONs…
They are not easy without desolder them…
A few claims of such adpaperst:

DFN8 QFN8 WSON8 Chip Line Read Write Burning Needle 1.27 6x8 5x6 Test Probe | eBay

Thank you for your time and efforts! I found this one on our local market. does this fit? if yes, I am ordering it already:

Looking forward to your enlightments!

No no…those are the regular clips for SOIC-8 not WSON-8, the SOIC-8 clips are also soldered on the surface but they their legs stand outside the limits of the chip, so the regular clip like the photo works on those, but the WSON are soldered underneath the chip limits so there are no legs visible. Search the web the 2 types and you will see the diferences.



Thats why most of the operations, techs get them desoldered, programmed and then soldered again in the motherboard…

The kit you presented in the photo are the most common and very cheap in these days, but motherboard makers are not using SOIC-8 anymore, most of the new hardware (2015/6 up) is all WSON

EDIT: Yes if you have a nice iron and skills, as long as there some surface/contact to add solder, go ahead, still it needs the “needles” clip, the clip from SOIC8 you purchase will not do the job, remember a good and steady contact is needed.

Yes that the one i refereed as “Needels”

Good luck

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Oh man! already purchased that set. I will keep it for future use who knows…

Thank you for clarifying for me the different usage of SOI8 and WSON8. Indeed my chromebook was out on July 2020 therefore, it is WSON8 as I posted in the first pictures today. I did some homeworks how to flash the bios without desoldering it from the motherboard and there is some set called “ENIT POGO SET”. I wil leave you with this YT video to check it out: onboard spi flash programming - YouTube

Is there a way to do the same for my Winbond chip WSON8 (6x5) ?
btw, I asked a Youtuber sometime ago and he said the following:

I have just found this in AliExpress: here
I think this can work with the Flash programmer CH341a, right? If yes, I will order this. because it seems to have needles heads which wouldnt require ironning the chip etc…
Please let me know your feedback and thank you once again for your enormous time and efforts which you have been giving to my case!