Asus G750JX Laptop Random Black Screen Have to Re-Flash Rom

I just can’t figure it out but I have a backup of my Rom. I used a flash programmer to read the bad rom and can’t figure out what is happening with the Bios, which part is getting corrupted in the Bios. Seems to only happen when Laptop is put to sleep and rare occasions when restarted. I am uploading both the good rom and black screen rom to see if someone can help me figure out what is being written to the Rom to cause the corruption and thus the black screen, only the power button is active and nothing else.

I will have links for the two zipped Roms momentarily.

Its been written…when the above happens, no sir…its a ROM not RAM.
Your issue may be ME related… almost sure is not bios if you werent “playing” with before…
Check ME version/status on bios and device manager driver status.
Using the Intel ME9 package tools, MEinfowin -debug can also report the ME status.

Also its common, installed drivers cant deal windows power management and the system cant get out of the sleep state… but lets ignore this for now, im pointing to ME if the bios is original and not mod.

EDIT: Well if the issue is not the mod…then its all the “playing” that was already done to the machine…
And what is this…???

Im out.

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Ah there is an ME update for this Laptop I can try that first. The Bios was modified to show advanced CPU menu to disable CFG lock but nothing else. It can’t be the modded Bios anyhow because this happened to the Laptop before I modded the Bios. If I open the Black Screen Rom in UEFITool I see some Byte error at the bottom.

If I re-flash the Back Screen Rom the same thing happens, if it were hibernation/ram issue would not the re-flash refresh and take this back out of hibernation? Anyhow I need to check ME.

Well maybe when the laptop was handed over to me I ended up with the problems. SO this does not belong there yet it boots with this rom and not the other one? If I re-flash an official Asus Bios update will this clear this padding?

Im i seeing this right…you ask? Look again to the caps… Isn’t that data on the so called “Good rom”???
Thats your files… yor asking me witch is bricked, original, good, bad, mod…

The 2nd pad is your machine model, sn and coa.

Who made you the mod? Ask you made it…It is your work?
Im out of this, good luck.

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I do appreciate the help. I was unsure what you meant by “what is this” on the good rom. Can I ask you is there anything wrong with that Volume under Padding should it be there or not? How can this volume be missing on the Bad Rom labelled as Black Screen. I may have just misunderstood what you meant by “what is this”, was unsure if this should not be there or not sorry about any communication issue on my part. I know its a working Rom but just want to confirm is that volume normal and in the correct place and if so what could have happened to the missing volume on the Bad Rom?

Thanks again for having a look

Sir… the dumps are yours…you made them, the rom label as “good” has your system data…the “bad” has missing data…what else do you want from me?

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Again appreciate your help now I have to figure out how this data goes missing after a restart from sleep to never wake. This was Bios version 2.08 I just updated to 2.09 final version. Just FYI these laptops were notorious for black screen no recovery maybe the final Bios version fixes this issue.

Again thanks for your help!

NVRAM volume should be 0x210000 to 0x230000 but first 0x10000 are overwritten with “FF” (???) thus rendering NVRAM efi volume unrecognizable/ unusable.

Dumps looks otherwise fine, very improbable that this is a read or was a write fail (exactly 0x210000 to 0x220000). Seems intentionally??

Empty but existing NVRAM volume: (3.3 MB)


So most probable cause from boot failure was Nvram related but what about the missing system information below padding would this also cause a failure to boot.

No missing system information.

I am speaking about my original dark screen rom read file. Is it the Nvram and/or the missing data below the padding causing it to boot to dark screen. I can’t even get into Bios by hitting F2 several times when I power up then blindly click arrow over 4 times then down 4 times hit enter twice that go back up 4 times hit enter twice. This way was posted on YouTube for those asus laptops that had similar issue but those dark screen issues were recoverable with reset to defaults in Bios. With that dark screen rom I posted all the laptop will do is power up and not even post unless there is another way to do this other than re-flashing with a hardware programmer.

The one serious question is what can cause this to happen as you suggested the Nvram is suspicious I wonder if this is a windows virus causing some corruption in Bios.

That laptop is not allowed to connect to internet until I figure out what is going on with it.

I have 5 of these G750JX and of all 5 only this one gives me the trouble.

Open the dump you’re refering to in for example UEFIToolNE, make a screenshot and mark where you think something’s missing?
(Since the beginning of the NVRAM volume is missing all is displayed as ‘padding’- machine information is still at 0x230000)

Is the behaviour you describe the behaviour for the machine that actually is trying to work with

Reset to defaults would mean that there still should be the beginning of the NVRAM volume since defaults are stored there- but it does no longer exist…

Did you try the firmware I attached in #8?

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I am going to try it tonight and yes referring to the dark screen bin.


-Your edited Rom works perfectly thanks for that.

-Just want to explain again the dark screen rom I Posted was saved with a flash programmer (Zeltek 610) at the time I could not boot only to Dark screen.

-I already had a good copy of the Rom before this happened.

-Still trying to get some answer as to what could be causing this, Nvram corruption?

-Want to point out these G750 series Laptops were Notorious for Black Screen Boots but obviously no one saved those their Roms to examine them so I can’t say reasons for other’s peoples black screens.

-I have done nothing to the Laptop to cause this Dark Screen boot still wish I knew why exactly this happens rarely but happens.

Thanks Again for spending the time to help me as well as MeatWar.

Thanks for the feedback.

Not seen this before, but I don’t know the routines for re-writing NVRAM- I assume that it has to happen blockwise with 4k in each block, but there were 10 blocks just not re-written…

(S3Restore module seems no longer stock, would be interesting if all these ‘black screen’ laptops were modded or not)