Asus H170m-Plus adding BCLK back to the BIOS

I have some old system based on H170m-Plus which I use daily. I don’t really need better PC for now. I have paired it with i7-6700k and so far I was using BCLK, but few days ago I have decided to upgrade BIOS. Aaaaand that was a mistake, because with newer BIOS Asus deleted BCLK option in BIOS (from what I discovered, it was because of Intel). I was looking throught internet to maybe try and unlock it by myself but i got stuck during using AMIBCP. Problem is that, in newest BIOS this function probably was not hidden but deleted and I don’t feel much confidence in trying to add lines in Hex editor. I have looked in AMIBCP, the oldest BIOS that has BCLK option is v. 2002.

I would be thatnkfull to whoever is able to provide a modified BIOS.
Flashing modified BIOS is in the same way through BIOS or I have to use different method (like this Intel tool)?

Last question - is it possible to add Resizable Bar to this mb? Like in this post:

Last question - is it possible to add Resizable Bar to this mb?

yes, even adding support Coffe Lake is possible

Oh, that’s also very interesting, maybe I will also try it next time. But, for now I just need bclk and maaaybe this resizable bar. Do you maybe know how to make this mod (im talking about bclk). :smiling_face:

nope i don’t never get it done lol always getting black screen on menu setup

Okay. Do you maybe know someone who has knowledge and is willing to help me? I can try doing it myself, but I need some guidance (like on what guide for bios mod i have to look at, because there are few of them, some of them older, some newer). It’s not a problem for me to buy programmer ch341 (you can take out chip on this mb). Basically I need BCLK but also it would be nice to have kabylake support also (that’s why I upgraded bios). Asus deleted BCLK with first Kaby support.