ASUS M3A78 Pro: no MISC module in BIOS?

Hi all,
I am trying to update the AMD RAID BIOS module following the guides posted here. But the problem comes when I take a look inside the BIOS modules to isolate the misc.bin one: noone of them seems to be the right one, as there is no MISC.SIG string anywhere. I checked older BIOS than the latest one (1701) and it’s the same.
I was able to modify and flash the BIOS with latest AHCI module and everything is ok, but can’t find other ways to find that hidden module. Of course this is a non-UEFI bios.

By the way, I’m not interested in performance improvements, but to increase compatibility: AMD SBxxx controllers have MANY issues with all Unix-like operating systems like FreeBSD and Solaris, and this is my last attempt before buying a separate SATA controller. Any help is appreciated.

Hello Gigi,

welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

If you want to see the MISC.SIG text code string, you have to extract the module in uncompressed form.
Furthermore it would have been a good idea to give us the link to the BIOS you are talking about. Without knowing the BIOS, it is not easy to help you finding the MISC.BIN file in it.


Hi Fernando, thank you for the reply!

Of course I extracted the modules in uncompressed form and checked with HxD. For comparison, the updated module shows the string at the very beginning as supposed. I also tried string search in all directions but no success.
This is the link at the latest BIOS for Asus M3A78 Pro mainboard:…78_PRO/

@ Gigi:

The MISC.BIN file is within the RomHole of the BIOS. You can extract it by hitting the RomHole tab, entering a file name like "RomHole.bin" within the "Image File" field and then hitting the "Save Image" button.

Thank you thank you thank you, you made my day!!

I’m writing from the updated system. Visible performance increase.
Now I start experiments with Unix operating systems, and report the successful update in the proper section of the forum!