Asus Rampage VI Extreme Omega HPET parameter

Need help to unlock the HPET parameter in Rampage VI Extreme Omega bios, if possible… Any help???



Any help???

Here is the 0702 Omega bios mod (UBU latest modules and MC):!du4TwIYT!GPVXjxRDqsA24…eC1uyIiCIWlwdPI

Thanks in advance!!!

@vmanuelgm - Before I make mods, check for me your BIOS main page, at the bottom, what does it show for “Access Level” Administrator or User?

* Sorry, I didn’t see your link until I’d already got started. Since you mention UBU, this may also be why your can’t flash your mod BIOS, if it’s broken due to this kind of modifications.
I will check it, but for now I will make you mod BIOS from stock BIOS only and have you test that, then once it’s working I will update for you whatever else you wanted (in case UBU is breaking the BIOS)

** Edit 2, mod BIOS looks OK for all quick things I check vs stock BIOS (padding files near end of all volumes, all original non-UEFI Files/padding, padding above all three ucode modules + signed capsule)


Here is the original bios link:…6194.1566947372

I can flash the UBU modded file I linked u before without any problems, via Asus FlashBack… Would like to see HPET parameter in bios to be able to disable/enable it.

Thanks again.

I already had that, thanks. Check my edit above, I assume you’ve already tested and been using your mod BIOS, correct? It looks OK
Sorry, I think I confused your post with another user I’m replying to in PM’s, that couldn’t flash his BIOS via USB Flashback right now, you’re all good on that correct and have flashed and used your above mod BIOS?
If yes, I will go ahead and use your mod BIOS then!

* Edit, we both keep editing while other is replying! Thanks for confirming you’ve already been flashing and using this mod BIOS you linked, I’ll go ahead and use that as my base then!

* Edit 2 @vmanuelgm - please answer my question about BIOS Main page from post #3 above


Hi again.

In regards to mod bios I linked in post 2, I have been using it without any problems after flashing it via Flashback, so u can use the mod file safely.

In regards to access level, the bios shows Administrator.

Thanks again.

I assumed so, after reading your comments, we replied and edited at same times, so some replies and edited in command got mixed up above
Thanks for checking access level. Please wait, BIOS coming shortly.

* Edit - @vmanuelgm - Please test in the following order, stop testing once you see the setting no need to test any additional BIOS after the setting becomes visible
Setting will become visible in the PCH Configuration BIOS Page. If you can’t see this page by default let me know, I assumed it was already visible.

1. SetO

Rename each BIOS to R6EO.CAP, before putting on USB one at a time to flash the BIOS via USB Flashback.
You already know this dance, but I already typed it out before we discussed your testing of mod BIOS already above, so I’ll leave here in case it helps anyone later.

Please also keep in mind which BIOS you are using, and let me know which one works to make the setting visible so I can make a note of it for future mods on this series (Thanks!)…415446789554299


Hi again, mate.

Tried first SetO, didn’t work.

Tried then AMITO, it did work, so stayed with it. I have now HPET parameter (enable/disable options) in PCH configuration.

Thanks a lot for your help, I really appreciate it!!!



Can the HPET parameter mod be done for the Asus Rampage VI Extreme as well ?

Here is the original bios link:…



@vmanuelgm - You’re welcome, and thanks for letting me know which worked, now I will be able to make same/similar edits for others with same series BIOS (Good to know, since this BIOS doesn’t open properly in AMIBCP)

SetO = Setup module edit, to unsupress the setting only, as it’s suppressed by default here. Oddly this was set visible (09 = Default+Visible) by default at below discussed area, so I expected this setup edit to work right away and be the only edit required. This is why I make a few at first to see, all BIOS act differently
AMITO = AMITSE/SetupData module body edit - this is same as AMIBCP edit (Since AMIBCP Can’t open this BIOS properly), here I set Access Level for the setting to 0F which = Administrator/Supervisor Visible (In this instance)
AMITSetB = Both of above.

@biozzz - Yes
Flash only with USB Flashback -…381393438669530

Enable visibility of following in BIOS @Advanced >> PCH Config
1. High Precision Timer
2. Enable TCO Timer
3. SPD Write Disable


Can u please unlock those 2 parameters, enable tco timer and spd write disable, in my omega bios, along with HPET???

Thanks again…


Your mods for the Asus Rampage VI Extreme work fine !

Many Thanks,


@vmanuelgm - Yes, sorry I didn’t do that for your BIOS initially, I didn’t think about those other two until I was looking at his BIOS in AMIBCP…868258930061617

@biozzz - you’re welcome, thanks for the quick report back


Hi mate.

Could you please unlock HPET, TCO and SPD Write in the new Omega 0802 Bios???

Here is the link for the bios:…7500.1568295624

Thanks in advance!!!


@vmanuelgm -…439665894371212
Flash with USB Flashback


Thanks a lot!!!

Having mates like u is fantastic!!!


@vmanuelgm - You’re welcome, thanks for quick report back!
Apologies again for the delay

Can i have unlock features with ASUS RAMPAGE VI EXTREME??

this is it thanks a lot

so i edit alone with AMIBCP and i unlock to many features!!!