ASUS X555LB Bios bricked. Which key combination does reflash original Bios?

I used HP Usb Disk storage format tool with modified autoexec bat only contains afudos.exe nameofbios.rom /P /B /N /X /Shutdown. I formatted my usb and created a dos usb. I copied my bios as nameofbios.rom. I copied afudos and tried every combination. What’s the wrong step during the recovery process?
Here is my boot order before I bricked it:
1- Optical Drive - CD/DVD drive
3- Legacy HDD (I installed legacy windows on it)
4- Legacy USB
5- Enter setup

What you need to do is find another user here, and have him write down each keystroke to flash BIOS normal method, then you do same blindly.
How do you know that is your boot order shown on the “Boot Menu” screen, surely you couldn’t remember that.

Anyway, if the above is 100% true. Then what you do is have USB ready in USB port. Turn on system and wait a second or two then hit whatever hotkey is your “boot Menu” hotkey, then press down arrow three times to get legacy USB, then wait for it to reboot after flash.

Confirm your USB/Autoexec setup works, put on another system and edit autoexec to run backup instead (afu backup.bin /O) and then boot to USB on another AMI system and see if it makes backup. If so, then you know your setup is correct.

Also, if above is true, you should be able to do the following. Boot system, wait a few seconds, hit boot menu hotkey, then press down key four times to enter BIOS, then press F5, then enter, then F10 (System should reboot, this loads optimal defaults and saves/exits)

At first, I only changed igpu setting F9 is the only solution. At second, I changed muxed-muxless option and igpu setting. Muxed-Muxless option does not give black screen but after changine igpu, it gave black screen and F9 isn’t a solution anymore.

I don’t know what “F9” is? And, it doesn’t matter what you changed, if you reload optimal defaults then all settings made previously will be gone, same as if you reflash BIOS

I tried it 100 times and it was unsuccessful.

Did you order CH341A + SCI8 test clip with cable yet? If not, order now, the longer you wait to order the longer it will take to arrive.
Meantime, search around forum and find user with same system, ask them to test flash stock BIOS with whatever version DOS AFU (NOT old one with /GAN)
Once they confirm it flashes OK, then ask them to redo, making a note about each keystroke from startup to finish

What did you try 100 times??? If you mean blind flash, or BIOS reset, keep trying, sounds like you are not hitting perfect key combo (especially for BIOS entry and load of optimal defaults)

You also never answered me, did you test all external display connections? Sometimes external will get a display output when this happens, not always, but sometimes.

The first question’s answer is NO. I will never open inside the laptop. The second question’s answer is BIOS reset. I’m using the hacked one with /GAN. I used HDMI output on my TV. It was unsuccessful. I never used VGA output before on my laptop.

Longer you wait to order, the longer you wait to fix it. Then you may have to throw it away if you refuse to open laptop, or set it in closet and cover with clothes
Up to you, opening it may be your only option, unless you can still RMA and want to pay to ship it out.

BIOS Reset, as I mentioned, you may not be hitting the right key strokes, or at right time to be where you think you are in BIOS.

There is no “Hacked One” w/ GAN. That is a VERY old Leaked Engineer version for BIOS three series ago and over 10+ years ago, not for this system, it may work, sometimes to force in a mod BIOS, or it may brick BIOS even worse even if it was working at the time
Two things additionally, those versions do not support encapsulated BIOS, which your system uses. And, this kind of AFU is ONLY needed when you are trying to force flash a modified BIOS, never needed for stock BIOS, and is always a risk to make a brick itself
So, summary, DO NOT use that

You need to use V4 or probably V5 AFU versions, BIOS is Aptio V

Try VGA, it’s not about what you used or tried in the past. Connect a monitor or display to all possible display outputs and see if you can see anything on screen while booting up.
Connect it before you turn the system on, and wait a good 2-3 minutes at each time you test this.

The USB and keyboard were detected. Here are three photos for the evidence:

Look at this photos.


Please look at these photos.




Yes, that shows power to USB, this does not mean anything in regards to BIOS recover possibilities (not all models can recover by USB)
If this one can you should find info / how-to on google, I am not familiar with all possible recovery methods for laptops you’ll have to look in google for Asus laptop BIOS recovery and or your model and BIOS recovery etc)

Please stop making multiple posts in a row to bump your thread!

Here is a photo with black screen in recovery mode:


Look at this photo!


You may be describing that accurately, if you are for sure in recovery mode (if so, do appropriate actions to recover)

I named original 6466 KB bios to X555LB.BIN but asus logo does not come. AMIBOOT.ROM and AMIBOOT.BIN doesn’t help

Yes, this model may not be able to recover BIOS from USB, or you may need to use a certain key combo etc. You will have to search in google for this or similar model and see if you can find recovery info, or if it’s even possible.
Programmer would be shipped out and on the way to you by now if you ordered when I first mentioned

If it has a CD drive, and you have the original driver CD, put that in and boot and let it run for a while, if it can recover it will from that, otherwise you need flash programmer or do to a blind reflash

I held down power button for 2 minutes. Pressed CTRL+Home. Black screen Again and again.

Please read the message!

@XPWELL64 - Last warning, please stop bumping your threads and making multiple posts in a row! If you need to add more thoughts or questions/info, and no one has replied yet, please use the edit button.
I am a nice and very forgiving person, but you have made me ask you MANY MANY times about this, please make this last time I have to mention, thank you.

I cannot help you with this, the only way to fix it is with Flash Programmer as I’ve mentioned all along.
Unless you can find in google or @ Asus site, direct and specific BIOS recovery method for this exact model (this is ONLY possible on SOME models, not all)

What are the alternative names of recovery BIOS?

In general, and this only works on certain systems.

X555LB.bin << remove BIOS body from capsule for this, then make copies, renamed to below

Additionally, try a round two, with the BIOS in capsule still (So straight stock BIOS), all renamed copies same as above

Put on root of MBR FAT32 small USB 2.0 stick (2GB or less). Power up and press CTRL + HOME, let run 10-15 minutes, if not luck, repeat in other USB Slot

I told you did you find an AUTOEXEC.BAT command for this laptop?

You make autoexec, this is not something system specific. You need to know what AFUDOS version works safely with this system, then put the command line to flash in autoexec.bat and that is all (example >> AFUDOS.exe filename.bin /P /B /N)

Did you order flash programmer yet? If not, order now, it would have been halfway to you buy now, or even close than that, if you would have ordered long ago.