ASUS Zenith II Extreme - 4G decoding enable

Hey guys

I am a complete noob at this stuff, and so far I have only gotten my hands on the UEFITool to play around with the .cap file that needs editing.

The problem:
I have a finished machine that has 4way running on this motherboard, and I ran into some issues when playing around with RAM settings. The result is now that I cannot boot, as this motherboard runs 4G decoding disabled by default, when CMOS is default.

So I have 2 options, first is taking the machine apart, but as I have 4 cards on water, with a … not so "standard" bridging technique, I would really like to learn how to edit the BIOS file so I can just use the flashback option to throw in a vanilla BIOS with 4G enabled.

Anyone able to give me a hand :>? I would even be willing to pay for it.