Award BIOS 6.00PG System Summary and PCI Configuration List Removal

On Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG, is it even at all possible to hide the System Summary and PCI configuration list before boot, but after the boot logo? I’ve been using Ghidra to decompile several Award v6.00PG BIOS’s, and I’m not finding any way how to prevent those functions from ever being called, and skipped entirely. I would think after the last option ROM, we can skip to DMI pool verification and updating, and let boot continue from there, but in all the motherboard BIOS’s I’ve looked at, I’ve not seen away to do this, no pattern at all.

And Award BIOS Editor and Modbin6 claim to have options for at least the PCI Configuration List, but neither seem to actually work or do anything.

I was almost hoping for a secret CMOS byte that hides it all until a CMOS reset, something as simple as that, like a “Quiet boot”, but even looking down that route I’ve found no such function for any kind of quiet boot.

I know it’s nitpicking, but the time saved going from option ROM’s, to DMI verification, then to booting would be great (I know the DMI messages probably would show too but those are ok, at least it’s one line of text.)

I’ve been comparing to a Acer BIOS AcerPower FH BIOS, which is also 6.00PG modular, and it does the exact behavior I want, once the POST messages are done, rather than go to a summary screen, it instead goes to a blank screen and only says the Verifying DMI Pool message, this is exactly what I would like, but I can’t figure this one out.

Is it just compiled different and this isn’t some hex value you could change like in version 4 (where you had control at least over the PCI config list, whereas on version 6 that setting has never worked, even on modbin6).