BIOS Mod for P67 Fatal1ty Professional


i have the mod for the BIOS v3.21A. There a three files: FP-P67-321A-T.ROM and FP-P67-321A.ROM and Fatal1ty P67 Professional(L3.21A)
What is the different between FP-P67-321A-T.ROM and FP-P67-321A.ROM files and what files i need for a flash.

Does anyone have the MOD BIOS for v2.00 BIOS?

@ Zahnfee:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Where did you get the modded BIOS?

You should ask the person/Company, where you got the files.

We only help users, who want to modify a BIOS, but we do not offer already modded BIOSes upon request.


I download the MOD from here:

The owner of the site is a member from here, but he would like not private messages.

P67PE3.21A → Stock
FP-P67-321A → Mod with RST
FP-P67-321A-T → Mod with RST

To check differences, update roms and make you own mod use the UBU Tool.

Sorry! I have not added the changelog…

The bios version "T" is for raid 0 with SSD, I added on request of friends.

Edit: @Zahnfee I added a note in the zip file

Hi May I ask, is the BIOS Version L3.21A 7/3/2013 from P67 Fatality Professional from Asrock Website stable enough and compatible with windows 10 Pro x64?