bios mod learning

ok I’ve made threads here and anywhere else I could find for help on this. It may still pay off as atleast some very talented people are trying to help. However I’m going to still carry on learning how to do this. I have an ami bios. I have amibcp, uefi tools, hxd and now ifr extractor. Where I’m at is amibcp settings do… well nothing. custom bios made not by me with what looked like a lot of changes did nothing. In uefi tools I can extract a module then extract it again with ifr extractor to a text document. Each module has a ton of info. Alot of variables are outlined so I should be able to figure out what I need to change. should being the key word there. Anyone that has been down this route would happen to have any tips on what I need to be looking for to get menus to show by changing variables would be awesome. I also need to know how after I change a text document how I can compress it back up and inject it as a custom module. Given the time I believe I have enough tools that I again SHOULD be able to change anything in this bios. I have coding experience limited but I do have it so this isn’t completely new to me.