BIOS Modding Gigabyte GA-H87TN

Dear forum members,

It looks that I have to make some changes in bios file for GA-H87TN but I don’t know how to do it.

M/B: Gigabyte GA-H87TN rev.1.0
BIOS: Aptio AMI EFI version 2.15.1236
Gigabyte bios ver. F5:…
LCD panel: AUO G170ETN01.0
- This is standard Dual Channel LVDS solution with res.1280x1024,
with build-in LED driver (PWM Normal, frequency 200 to 20000Hz).

I want to use GA-H87TN with LCD panel G170ETN01.0 and I have a problem.
This M/B don’t work with res.1280x1024. Useing AMIBCP v.4.55 I opened a bios file ver. F5 and there are in section
“Chipset>System Agent (SA) Configuration>Graphic Configuration>LCD Control>LCD Panel Type”
all 16 resolutions from 640x480 to 2048x1536, but in Bios window are not visible.
In section"Chipset>Panel Type" are 4 pre-defined items:
1. TMS150XG1-10TB (1024x768),
2. M185XTN01 (1366x768),
3. M215HGE-L10/M240Q002 (1920x1080,
4. Other panel.
Only mthese 4 items are visible in Bios window. If I choose item “Other panel”, after reboot LVDS screen is black.

So, Ihave few questions:
- Is it possible to turn on all LVDS resolutions, Backlight Control and Panel Color in this bios file?
- If these items after moding bios will be visible in Bios window, whether will be active and work correctly?
- How to do it, because I don’t know which module I have to edit and what tools I have to use?

Whether somebody can give me some quidance how to solve this problem.

Thank you in advance for any assistance in this matter.

Best Regards

@ Mariusz:
Welcome at Win-RAID Forum!

Although I cannot answer your answers myself, I hope, that you will get help here.
